Spring rolls (Thai style)

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IMG_5514Poate ati mancat vreodata aceste minunate spring rolls pe la vreun restaurant, ma gandesc! sunt crocante atunci cand le prajiti iar apoi se vor inmuia, pe timp ce trece. Sunt umplute ori cu legume diverse ori cu legume si carne (peste, creveti, pui etc), in special cu pui si creveti am vazut ca se fac. Eu am marele noroc sa lucrez cu oameni originari din Thailanda si, la o masa festiva, au adus si aceste rulouri mirific de bune. Numai hmm si yum era la gura noastra! Sunt senzational de bune. Sper, totusi ca in Romania se gasesc foite speciale pentru spring rolls, eu le cumpar  aici de la un magazin special cu preparate asiatice, aceste foite sunt cate 30 sau 50 in pachet si au dimenisuni mici (15/15 cm), se gasec congelate, ele se vor dezgheta cu 2 ore inainte de a le pregati si sunt extrem de subtiri dar elastice si usor de rulat!

Asadar reteta si un link in limba engleza pentru a va lamuri mai bine cum se impaturesc si tehnica de pregatire, eu nu am respecat intocmai ingredientele de acolo dar am improvizat cu ciuperci in loc de varza. Au iesit deliciose!

Ingrediente: pentru 50 de rulouri

  • 1 pachet foite pentru spring rolls (50 de bucati)
  • 1 conserva ciuperci taiate
  • 400 gr piept de pui sau curcan
  • 2 catei de usturoi tocati marunt
  • 1 lingurita sos de soia (hiposodic)
  • piper si sare dupa gust
  • 1/2 ardei gras rosu si 1/2 ardei gras verde (pentru mai multa culoare)
  • 2 morcovi medii rasi fin
  • 1 ceapa medie
  • 1 lingurita vin de orez (sau vin alb sec)
  • 1 lingurita amidon alimentar si 1/2 ceasca apa (pentru lipit rulourile)
  •  2 linguri ulei
  • ulei pentru prajit (deep fry) la fripteuza ( cel putin 1 l)

Mod de preparare:

  • Inainte de a ne pregati umplutura de legume si carne, scoatem foitele de spring rolls din congelator.
  • Se dezgheata foitele de spring rolls cu cel putin1 ora inainte. In reteta mea scrie ca se dezgheata in 30 de minute, dar la mine nu s-a intamplat chiar asa :-).
  • Imediat ce se dezgheta, le scoateti din punga si le acoperiti bine cu un prosop de bucatarie curat.

Pregatim umplutura asa:

  • Tocam pieptul de pui in roboul de bucatarie sau cumparam carne tocata foarte fin.
  • Punem in tigaie o lingura de ulei (din cele 2 linguri) si calim carnea cu un praf de sare pana cand se albeste si este frageda.
  • O scoatem din tigaie si o punem intr-un castron deoparte.
  • In aceeasi tigaie vom pregati si legumele.
  • Tocam ciupercile foarte fin tot in robot sau cu cutitul, dupa ce le-am scurs bine de apa.
  • Feliem ardeiul foarte subtire, ceapa o tocam fin si morcovul il dam prin razatoarea mica.
  • Punem si cealalta lingura de ulei in tigaie si calim putin legumele pana cand se vor inmuia. adaugam si vinul, piper dupa gust si sosul de soia  si mestecam in ele pana cand tot sucul lor sucul lasat s-a evaporat.
  • Scoatem legumele din tigaie si le amestecam cu carnea. Mai gustam o data de sare apoi punem uleiul pentru prajit la incins (eu am folosit fripteoza dar daca nu aveti, folositi un wok sau o tigaie mai adanca in care puneti cel putin 1 l de ulei)
  • Se scoate cu grija cate o foita (este foarte subtire dar elastica), nu bagati degetele prea tare in ele ca s-ar putea rupe, le dezlipiti apucand cu toata mana, usurel. Dupa ce ati dezlipit prima foita, acoperiti cu servet si tineti acoperit dupa fiecare foita altfel se usuca repede si devin casante.
  • Pe foita punem o lingura de umplutura ca in imaginea de mai jos si aducem capetele laterale spre interior apoi rulam pana la capat. Cand punem umplutura, foita trebuie sa fie cu unul din colturi spre d-voastra. (ca un romb). Se unge putin foita cu apa si amidon (dizolvate in prealabil) ca sa se lipeasca mai bine la colt si ca sa nu se dezlipeasca in timp ce le prajim.
  • Imediat ce am terminat de rulat cate un rulou, il punem pe o farfurie, si il acoperim cu folie de plastic. asa vom face cu toate rulourile, pana le terminam.
  • Incingem bine uleiul si vom praji cca. 8-10 rulouri o data (atentie, nu supraincarcati tigaia, daca nu va incap atatea, puneti mai putine0.
  • Se prajesc pana se rumenesc usor, se scot c o paleta si se scurg pe un prosop de hartie de excesul de ulei.

Se consuma calde ! Se poate face si un sos picand in care le puteti inmuia, eu nu am facut sosul dar thaylandezii asa prefera, ei iubesc foarte mult ardeiul iute, pasta de ardei in special si fac tot felu de sosuri picante din acesta.

Pofta buna!


4.0 from 1 reviews
Spring rolls (Thai style)
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
They are often filled with various vegetables or with vegetables and meat (fish, shrimp, chicken, etc.), especially with chicken and shrimp more often. I have the great fortune to work with people born in Thailand and, when we had a party, they brought these wonderful rolls. So the recipe and this link (http://www.steamykitchen.com/22276-chinese-spring-rolls-with-chicken-recipe.html) will better clarify how they are folded and the technical training, I did not exactly respect the ingredients there, but I improvised with mushrooms instead of cabbage. They came out delightful!
Recipe type: Appetiser
Cuisine: Thailand
Serves: 20
  • 50 spring roll wrappers, defrosted
  • 1 can sliced ​​mushrooms
  • 400 gr chicken or turkey
  • 2 cloves of garlic finely chopped
  • 1 teaspoon soy sauce (low sodium)
  • pepper and salt to taste
  • ½ red pepper and ½ green bell pepper (for color)
  • 2 medium carrots finely grated
  • 1 medium onion
  • 1 teaspoon rice wine (or white wine)
  • 1 teaspoon food starch and ½ cup water (to stick the rolls)
  • 2 tablespoons oil
  • oil for frying (deep fry)
  1. Before you prepare the veggies and meat , take out from the freezer the wrappers, 2 hrs ahead of time.
  2. It thaws at least 1 hour before. In the original recipe says that thaws in 30 minutes, but to me it didn't happen so :-).
  3. Once they thaw, remove them from the bag and cover them well with a clean kitchen towel.
  4. Prepare stuffing like this:
  5. Grind the chicken meat in the food processor or buy it already minced,very fine.
  6. Put a tablespoon of oil in skillet (of 2 tablespoons) and cook meat with a pinch of salt until white and tender.
  7. When ready, take it out of the pan and put it aside in a bowl.
  8. In the same skillet will prepare the vegetables.
  9. Chop mushrooms very fine then drain them well.
  10. Slices pepper very thin, the onion and carrot as well. Use a food processor for better results!
  11. heat the other tbsp. of oil and cook the veggies until they are softened. Add the wine, pepper and soy sauce and stir until all the juice has evaporated.
  12. Remove vegetables from pan and mix them with the meat. taste them one more time then you can start rolling them and prepare for frying. (I used a deep fryer but you can use a wok or skillet)
  13. Carefully remove each wrapper (wich is very thin but elastic), do not push your fingers too hard int hem that could break them. Pull them with the whole hand grasping easy. After you have removed the first sheet, cover them back with the towel and keep covered every time you remove one,or it dries out.
  14. Add 1 tablespoon of filling to egg roll (see photos for instructions) and roll up. Secure with cornstarch slurry. Keep rolled egg rolls covered with plastic wrap to prevent drying.
  15. Heat the oil well and cook approx. 8-10 rolls once (carefully, do not overload the pan, if you do not fit that, fry less)
  16. Cook until slightly browned, remove and drain on a paper towel for excess oil.
  17. You can make a chilly dipping sauce, the Asians loves that! I do not have a recipe here but I am sure you will find one if you really like eating hot!
  18. Enjoy 😉 !


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4 thoughts on “Spring rolls (Thai style)

  1. January 23, 2014 at 9:18 am

    Ce faine sunt!

    1. Gabriela
      January 23, 2014 at 8:40 pm

      Rocsy trebuie neaparat sa le incerci, poate daca nu gasesti foi speciale, incearca cu foi de placinta phyllo! Pupici!

  2. March 12, 2014 at 1:15 pm

    In primul rand multumesc pentru reteta, arata delicios si vreau sa o incerc si eu. In ce le-ai prajit in ulei de palmier sau in ulei normal?

    1. Gabriela
      March 12, 2014 at 9:16 pm

      Draga Laura, multumesc pentru vizita in primul rand!
      Le-am prajit in ulei normal, eu aici folosesc vegetal (adica rapita in combinatie cu alte uleiuri) sau de porumb, bineintels poti folosi si de floarea soarelui si cred ca si cel de palmier este foarte bun, dar nu in fripteuza, cel putin asa scrie la instructiunile de la fripteuza mea (pt. ca este solid).

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