Vol au vent

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IMG_5467Extraordinare ca aperitiv, gustoase, aspectuoase , vol au vent sunt unele dintre aperitivele care vor impresiona cu siguranta la o masa festiva!

Ingrediente: 10 bucati

  • un pachet foietaj de 450 gr
  • o conserva ciuperci
  • o ceapa mica
  • 2 linguri ulei
  • 50 ml vin alb
  • sare/piper dupa gust
  • marar verdeIMG_5447Mod de preparare:
  • Se dezgheata aluatul cu aprox. 2 ore inainte.
  • Cand s-a dezghetat, pudram blatul de lucru cu faina, apoi decupam cerculete cu ajutorul unei forme rotunde (de fursecuri sau chiar un pahar cu diametrul de aprox.6 cm). Jumatate din cercuri le vom decupa la mijloc cu alta forma rotunda, mai mica.
  • Ungem cercurile pline cu putina apa apoi le lipim cu cealalta jumatate decupata la mijloc si le asezam usor intr-o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt. Restul de aluat decupat il punem si pe el intr-o tava separat.
  • Preincalzim cuptorul la 200ºC si coacem cosuletele pana se rumenesc frumos, aprox. 20-25 min., in functie de cuptorul fiecaruia.
  • Ele vor creste in inaltime destul de mult iar gaura cosuletului s-ar putea sa se umple cu aluat de la baza acestuia, dar putem sa impingem usor cu mana ca sa se lase aluatul si ca se le putem umple, atat cat sunt calde.


Sotam o ceapa tocata maunt in 2 linguri de ulei pana cand se inmoaie. Adaugam vinul, sarea si piperul.

Tocam ciupercile cat de marunt putem (sau le tocam in robotul de bucatarie) apoi le adaugam peste ceapa si le lasam sa fiarba impreuna cateva minute, amestecand continuu. Cand compozitia a scazut si vinul s-a evaporat, stingem focul si adaugam mararul tocat.

Lasam compozitia sa se raceasca, apoi, cu ajutorul unei lingurite, umplem cosuletele.

Le putem servi calde sau reci!

Pofta buna!

Sunt o pufosenie delicioasa!IMG_5455

Vol au vent
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Great as an appetizer, tasty, showy,crunchy, vol au vent are some of the appetizers that will surely impress a festive meal!
Recipe type: Appetiser
Cuisine: French
Serves: 10
  • For 10 pieces:
  • pastry dough 450 gr (1 package)
  • 1 canne mushrooms
  • 1 small onion
  • 2 tablespoons oil
  • 50 ml dry white wine
  • salt / pepper to taste
  • fresh dill
  1. Defrost dough approx. 2 hours ahead of time.
  2. When defrosted, dust the table with flour, then scrape circles with a round shape (biscuit or even a glass approx.6 cm /2.5 inch diameter). Scrap half of them in the middle with another round shape, but smaller.
  3. Brush the filled circles with water then stick them together with the empty ones. Place them slightly in a pan lined with parchment paper.
  4. Remaining dough and put it in a separate tray.
  5. Preheat oven to 200 º C (420 F) and bake until nicely browned approx. 20-25 mins., depending on each oven.
  6. They will raise in height enough and the hole of the little basket could be filled with dough from its base, but you can push gently with your hand (as long as they are hot) to let the batter down a little bit so they can be filled.
  7. Filling:
  8. Saute a chopped onion in 2 tablespoons oil until tender. Add the wine, salt and pepper and let it simmer.
  9. Chop the mushrooms (very thin) in food processor then add them over onions and let them simmer together a few minutes, stirring constantly. When wine has evaporated, turn off the heat and add chopped dill.
  10. Set aside until cool enough, then with a teaspoon, fill the baskets.
  11. You can serve hot or cold!
  12. Enjoy!


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2 thoughts on “Vol au vent

  1. January 9, 2014 at 9:10 pm

    Iar pozele tale sunt intotdeauna de nota 20!
    Te imbratisez cu drag! >:d<

    1. Gabriela
      January 10, 2014 at 12:32 am

      Draga mea stii ca ma ung la suflet cuvintele tale! te pupic!

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