Blueberry Cheesecake

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Cea mai buna prajitura  de vara. toamna, iarna….este bineinteles un cheesecake. Aroma fina de afine imbinata cu coaja de lime si vanilie, face din acest cheesecake un desert diafan. O explozie de arome va va delecta papilele gustative si veti dori si o a doua felie.


(Forma cu diametru 24cm)

Blatul de biscuiti

300 gr biscuiti digestivi

150 gr unt topit

Crema de branza

2 cutii crema de branza Philadelphia (250 gr fiecare)

500 ml frisca lichida (35% grasime)

150 gr zahar pudra

1 lingurita esenta vanilie

coaja de la o jumatate de lime

12  gr gelatina granule (pt crema de branza)

Jeleu de afine

500 gr afine de padure (proaspete sau congelate)

15 gr gelatina granulata (pentru jeleul de afine)

sucul de la 1/2 lamaie sau un lime

5 linguri zahar

Mod de preparare:

Pregatim blatul de biscuiti.

Se amesteca biscuitii sfaramati impreuna cu untul topit si se amesteca apoi cu o lingura de lemn pana cand biscuitii au absorbit tot untul. Aluatul format il presam in forma de tort cu inel detasabil si coacem blatul cca 10 min. la foc mic (350F).

Jeleul de afine

Punem fructele intr-o craticioara de inox si adaugam 5 linguri de zahar. Fierbem afinele cca. 5 minute pana cand zaharul s-a dizolvat complet apoi tragem craticioara de pe foc si le lasam sa se raceasca. Cand s-au racit adugam sucul de la o jumatate de lamaie.

Hidratam gelatina in apa calduta apoi o dizolvam pe bain marie sau in microunde (20 de secunde la microunde). O adaugam dizolvata in jeleul de afine si omogenizam.

Acum putem pregati crema de branza:

Hidratam gelatina in putina apa calduta (sa o acopere cu un deget) apoi o dizolvam pe bain marie sau microunde.

Punem branza in robot si mixam pana cand nu mai exista cocoloase sau bucatele nesfaramate. Adaugam zaharul pudra si vanilia, apoi coaja de lime (am pus numai jumatate din coaja de lime pentru ca are o aroma destul de pronuntata). Omogenizam totul bine si apoi  adaugam gelatina si mixam pana la omogenizare.

Batem frisca tare pe care o vom incorpora cu crema de branza. Adaugam intai jumatate de frisca si amestecam cu un tel usor ca sa nu se lase crema. Adaugam si cea de-a doua jumatate si incorporam cu miscari ample in crema pana la incorporare.

Punem jumatate de crema de branza in forma de tort  si nivelam cu o spatula apoi turnam cca 3 sferturi de jeleu  de afine peste branza. Pentru ca jeleul este lichid puteti pune cealata jumatate de crema de branza intr-un posh si spritati crema usor deasupra jeleului (folosind duza rotunda). Nivelati foarte usor deasupra si apoi decorati cheesecake-ul cu picaturi de jeleu ramas. Trageti cu o scobitoare linii printre picaturi ca sa creati aspectul de inimioare.

Daca vi se pare prea complicat cu poshul (sau daca nu aveti posh) puteti sa amestecati jeleul in prima jumatate de branza apoi adaugati restul de crema deasupra si nivelati frumos. Deasupra se poate pune jeleu pe toata suprafata apoi ornat cu frucre proaspete pentru un alt fel de aspect.

Se introduce cheesecake-ul la frigider pentru cel putin 4-5 ore apoi se va scoate din forma. Inainte de a scoate inelul detasabil, trageti cu un cutit pe margine ca sa iasa frumos din forma.

Este un cheesecake senzational, extra fin, extraordinar de bun si cremos. Combinatia de afine si lime este pur si simplu divina! Il recomand la ocazii speciale dar nu numai! Merita incercat!


5.0 from 1 reviews
Blueberry Cheesecake
The best desert to serve no matter what season certainly a cheesecake. This one is totally divine, so suave and charming from the first bite. The combination between blueberries and lime is just perfect. You have to try this!
Recipe type: desert
Cuisine: canadian/romanian
  • Crust:
  • 300 gr crushed digestives
  • 150 gr melted buter
  • Cream of cheese
  • 2 blocks of Philadelphia cheese (250 gr each)
  • 500 ml whipping cream
  • 12 gr gelatin
  • lime zest (from ½ lime)
  • 150 gr icing sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • Blueberry jelly
  • 500 gr frozen blueberries
  • 5 tbsp sugar
  • juice of a lime or ½ lemon
  • 15 gr gelatin
  1. First do the crust. Melt butter and mix it with the digestives using a spatula. When is homogenised, place the crumbs into a cake mold and pres it well. Bake the crust for about 10 min at 350 F then cool down.
  2. Blueberry Jelly
  3. Boil blueberries and sugar until sugar has dissolved. Add gelatin (that previously was soaked in lukewarm water and dissolved for 20 sec in the microwave) and homogenize well. Let it cool down and add the lemon juice.
  4. Cream of cheese
  5. Soak the gelatin first in lukewarm water (it should be cover with water and let it soak for 5 minutes then dissolve it in microwave for 20 seconds right before you add it to the cheese)
  6. Put cream cheese in the food processor or in the mixer and mix it well until no lumps seen. Add sugar, vanilla and lime zest . Mix well then add gelatin.
  7. Beat the whipping cream until soft peaks form then incorporate it with the cheese using a whisk.
  8. Now you can put together all the ingredients.
  9. Add half of the cheese cream over the crust and level it well. Then poor ¾ of the jelly on top . Put the rest of the cheese cream in a sac a poche and put it on top of the gelly very easily. When finished, level it gently with a spatula. Ornate with the rest of the jelly by pouring drops on top of it. Drag with a tooth stick through the drops and create hearts then you can put some fresh blueberries on top.
  10. Refrigerate it at least 4-5 hours before serving.
  11. Remove the cheesecake from the pan by inserting a knife on the edges.
  12. it is a wonderful desert, very nice flavoured and super delicious. You will want a second piece for sure! I recommend this at special occasions.
  13. Enjoy!

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5 thoughts on “Blueberry Cheesecake

  1. August 24, 2017 at 11:09 am

    This looks extremely delicious and beautiful!

  2. Olivia
    August 24, 2017 at 12:24 pm

    Multumesc pentru reteta,este un desert cu siguranta diafan,dar cata frisca se utilizeaza?

    1. Gabriela Gitoi
      August 24, 2017 at 12:56 pm

      Buna Olivia. Frișcă se folosește 500 ml. Am sa adaug la reteta. Pupicei!

    2. Gabriela
      August 24, 2017 at 1:00 pm

      Buna Olivia, se foloseste 500 ml de frisca. Am adaugat la reteta. Pupicei si succes daca il faci!

  3. August 24, 2017 at 7:19 pm

    Arata de vis! Imi place tot, si sectiunea, si combinatia de ingrediente, si prezentare…totul perfect! te pup, Gabitule!

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