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Ingrediente pentru un tort de 10-12 persoane
5 oua
215 gr faina (1 cana si 2/3 faina)
250 gr unt la temperatura camerei (1 cup sau 1 cana si o lingura)
300 gr zahar (1 si 1/2 cana zahar)
8 linguri lapte (pe care le-am adaugat eu) sau 80 gr smantana sau iaurt
coaja rasa de la o lamaie mare
zeama de la o lamaie
1 lingura extract de vanilie
1 lingurita praf de copt
un praf de sare
Crema de branza:
500 gr mascarpone
300 gr ricotta
1 lingurita esenta vanilie
1 cana zahar pudra (cana de 250 ml)
1/2 cana chipsuri de ciocolata amaruie
coaja de la o lamaie
3 linguri de frisca batuta
Glazura de ciocolata:
100 gr ciocolata cu 55% cacao
100 ml frisca lichida
Pentru imbracat tortul si decor:
1 l frisca batuta
4 linguri zahar
1 lingurita esenta vanilie
cipsuri de ciocolata
Mod de preparare:
Reteta pentru blat o gasiti aici.
Eu folosesc blat Betty Croeker la cutie care se face foarte usor. Este un blat umed care nu trebuie insiropat. Reteta mea de chec cu lamaie este numai buna pentru acest blat.
Crema de branza:
- Ricotta se scurge foarte bine cu o seara inainte intr-un tifon. Eu am luat o ricotta care era deja scursa.
- Se pune branza mascarpone in bolul mixerului si se omogenizeaza bine. Adaugam si ricotta si omogenizam cu mascarponele. Adaugam zaharul pudra, vanilia si coaja de lamaie apoi mixam bine tragand din cand in cand cu o paleta pe marginea bolului sa nu ramana zahar pe margine.
- Batem si frisca pentru ornat cu 4 linguri de zahar si cu o lingurita de vanilie si punem 3 linguri pline in crema de branza. O face mai aerata. Restul de frisca o punem la frigider pana ornam tortul.
- Adaugam si cipsurile de ciocolata si amestecm usor la viteza mica pana se incorporeaza. Se pot amesteca si cu paleta de silicon.
- Taiem blatul in 3 parti egale. Punem crema pe primul strat, asezam cel de-al doilea blat deasupra si apoi iar crema de branza. Avem grija sa oprim cam 3 linguri de crema pentru canolli de deasupra.
- Acoperim tortul cu frisca niveland frumos si pe margini si deasupra.
- Pastram cam o cana de frisca batuta pentru trandafirii de deasupra.
- Ornam marginile cu cipsuri de ciocolata si bagam tortul la congelator pana facem glazura, ca sa fie foarte rece!
Incalzim frisca pana la punctul de fierbere (100 ml) apoi adaugam ciocolata si omogenizam pana devine o crema lucioasa. Racim glazura cam 10-15 minute in congelator, mixand din cand in cand in ea sa nu se intareasca prea tare pe marginea castronului.
Asamblare tort:
Scoatem tortul si glazura din frigider si turnam glazura peste tort (intai pe margini apoi in centru). Bagam iar tortul in frigider pana umplem canolli. Eu i-am umplut cu lingurita pentru ca nu am umplut multi. Cand facem mai multi canolli ii umplem cu poshul.
Scoatem tortul din frigider si formam trandafirasi cu frisca ramasa apoi asezam canolli in forma de raze deasupra tortului.
Tinem tortul la frigider pana in momentul servirii.
Este un tort deosebit, parfumat si cu arome suave, nu este foarte dulce si nici exagerat de satios.
Pofta buna!
- Cake:
- Betty Croeker mix (1 package) vanilla flavor
- 3 eggs
- ½ cup oil
- 1 cup milk or water
- Cheese filling:
- mascarpone cheese 500 gr (1 container)
- drained ricotta cheese 300 gr (1 container)
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 cup icing sugar
- lemon peel from 1 lemon
- ½ cup chocolate chips
- 3 heaped tbsp of whipped cream
- Chocolate ganache for the glaze:
- 100 ml whipping cream
- 100 gr chocolate (dark chocolate)
- Frosting:
- 1 l of whipping cream (minus the 3 tbsp that you will use for the cheese)
- 4 tbsp of icing sugar
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 6 cannoli shells
- cheese filling (that you prepared for the cake
- extra chocolate chips for decor
- Bake the cake following the instructions on the package.
- Cheese filling:
- Add mascarpone cheese and ricotta in the mixer with paddle attachment. Stir at low speed then at medium speed until well combined. Add sugar, lemon peel and mix all the ingredients until homogenized. Add chocolate chips and stir with a spatula.
- Whip the whipping cream with 4 tbsp of sugar and 1 tsp of vanilla extract.
- Fold in the cheese 3 tbsp of whipped cream gently and start assembling the cake.
- Cut sponge cake in 3 even layers. Set up the first layer on a plate then put half of the cream and level it with a spatula. Put the second sponge layer and on top put the rest of the cheese cream filling. On top put the last layer of the sponge cake.
- Cover the cake with whipped cream, decorate with the chocolate chips on the sides and start preparing the chocolate ganache for the glaze.
- Chocolate ganache:
- heat the cream until . Do not boil!
- Add chocolate (cut in pieces) and stir until well combined and becomes glossy. Cool the ganache in the fridge for about 20 minutes before poring it over the cake. Check the ganache every 5 minutes stiring every time you check it. Otherwise will harden on the edges!
- Keep the cake in the freezer until the ganache is ready to be used!!
- Poor the ganache on the edge of the cake, then poor the rest in the middle, and level it with a spatula. Cool the cake again for about 30 minutes so the ganache hardens enough and the cake can be decorated with cannoli and whipped cream.
- I kept about ⅔ cup of whipped cream for the roses on top. I filed up the cannoli with ricotta mix and I placed the radially on top of the cake. You can use more chocolate chips or chocolate kisses or whatever you like for this cake.
- Enjoy this deliciousness!!!
That’s a show stopper 🙂 Excellent!
Thanks Angie! <3