Cinnamon rolls/ Rulouri cu scortisoara

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Sa va zic de cand am aceste cinamoane in plan? cred ca am vreo 2 luni…am mai facut in 2010 si de atunci am tot poftit. Ce cumpar eu de la mine din oras nu se compara cu Cinabonul adevarat. “Cinabon” este o franciza in Canada si au cele mai bune cinnamon rolls! Am vrut sa reproduc reteta si…am reusit. M-am inspirat bineinteles de la o canadianca, adica de aici care sustine ca este reteta originala, adica cea care se face chiar la Cinnabon! Asa ca nu mai povestesc mult si trec la treaba!

Ingrediente: pentru cca. 26 rulouri (daca folositi ca unitate de masura cana, sa fie de 250 ml)

50 ml apa (1/4 cana)

250 ml lapte (1 cana)

1 ou si jumatate (mda…si eu am ras) bine batut

115 gr unt (1/2 cana) topit

115 gr zahar  (1/2 cana zahar)

7 gr drojdie uscata (un pliculet) sau 30 gr drojdie proaspata

575 gr faina alba (4 cani jumatate)

1 lingurita esenta de vanilie

1/2 lingurita sare


100 gr unt moale

200 gr zahar brun

5 lingurite scortisoara

Mod de preparare:

Toate ingredientele trebuie scoase din frigider cu cel putin o ora inainte de a ne apuca de aluat.

Ca sa elucidez chestia cu un ou si jumatate, vreau sa va zic ca se procedeaza asa: se ia un ou si se sparge, apoi se bate bine cu o furculita si se toarna jumatate din el in castronul in care facem aluatul. In reteta initiala, ca gramaj, era un ou si 1/4, dar mie nu mi-a iesit cantaritul asa ca am pus un ou jumatate….Cu restul faceti o mini omleta 🙂 sau il puneti la ciorba.

Ce m-a uimit putin la aceasta reteta , este faptul ca intai se amesteca componentele lichide si apoi se adauga cele solide si nu invers cum facem noi la un aluat dospit, ca la cozonac de exemplu, dar sincer este super usor de facut si cu sorti de izbanda.

  • Topim untul la microunde pentru cca 1 minut. Atentie sa nu fiarba.
  • Il punem intr-un castron unde il amestecam cu laptele caldut (ca pentru cozonac, sa aiba o temperatura suportabila la deget, cam 35ºC) si apa.
  • Adaugam praful de sare, vanilia, oul intreg si cel batut, apoi zaharul si mixam putin ca sa se incorporeze.
  • Adaugam faina, cate o cana o data, iar dupa a doua cana, adaugam si drojdia, apoi restul de faina si framantam bine aluatul pana devine omogen si nelipicios. Aluatul are o consistenta foarte buna, este usor de framantat si nu va va da mari batai de cap.
  • Formam o bila de aluat, ungem vasul cu putin ulei pe margini, apoi il acoperim cu un prososp si il punem intr-un loc ferit de curent ca sa dospeasca (aprox 2 ore, sau pana s-a dublat in volum).
  • Cand a crescut, il punem pe blatul pudrat cu faina si il impartim in 3 parti egale. (sau 2, daca vreti sa va iasa rulouri mai mari)
  • Intindem cate o foaie dreptunghiulara cam de marimea 38/60cm. Daca nu va iese asa, ea trebuie sa aiba o grosime cam de 5 mm.
  • Marcam intr-o parte o margine de 2,5 cm pe care o vom evita cand vom pune umplutura.


Intr-un castron amestecam zaharul brun cu scortisoara. Zaharul brun pe care il cumpar eu aici si care se foloseste la prajituri este umed, ca si cum ar fi fost un pic caramelizat. Sa nu folositi zahar Turbinado, cu cristalele foarte mari, ca o sa aveti probleme la rulat.

  • Incalzim putin untul la microunde (eu l-am pus 30 de secunde) ca sa devina cremos. Cu ajutorul unei pensule de silicon ungem bine foaia  si apoi presaram zaharul (doar o treime din zahar) cu scoartisoara si cu ajutorul unui facalet intindem bine zaharul pe deasupra. Astfel, zaharul se umezeste de la unt si nu va curge cand taiati rulourile 😉
  • Marginea care am trasat-o o vom unge cu putina apa ca sa se lipeasca bine. Incepem sa rulam din partea opusa margii trasate si formam un rulou din care vom taia rulouri de cca 4 cm grosime (inaltime mai bine zis)
  • Le asezam cu fata in sus in tava tapetata cu hartie de copt si le mai lasam sa creasca inca o ora, pana si-au dublat volumul. Stiu ca este mult timp de asteptare, dar asta e, daca vrem ceva super delicios nu? in fond si cozonacul romanesc tot atat timp ne rapeste.
  • Cand au crescut, le bagam in cuptorul preincalzit la 180 ºC pana se rumenesc frumos.

Cat sunt calde, le dam cu glazura de zahar si punem nuci pecan desupra (pe care le-am copt putin in cuptor). Glazura de zahar (zahar pudra cu unt) nu stiu daca se gaseste in Romania, dar o sa va scriu in doua randuri cum se face: 4 linguri de unt la temperatura camerei se freca cu 2 cani zahar pudra si cu o lingurita esenta de vanile. Se dilueaza cu 3-6 linguri de apa fierbinte (pana se ajunge la consistenta dorita, daca o vreti mai moale puneti 6 linguri apa, daca va place mai tare, puneti 3 linguri apa).


Pofta buna, sunt o nebunie!


Cinnamon rolls
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Let me tell you since I have this in my plan? I think I have about 2 months ... I have done in 2010 and since then i was craving for these delicious cinnamon rolls.. What I buy in my city really does not compare to the real "Cinnabon" which is a franchise in Canada and they have the best cinnamon rolls! I wanted to reproduce the recipe and ... I did. I was inspired from a Canadian of course, who claims to be the original recipe, which is the one that they make it at Cinnabon! So, I won't tell you more and I'll start writing the recipe.
Cuisine: Canadian
Serves: 30
  • The ingredients are for approx. 26 rolls:
  • 50 ml water (1/4 cup)
  • 250 ml milk (1 cup)
  • 1 egg and a half (yeah ... and I laughed) well beaten
  • 115 g butter (1/2 cup) melted
  • 115 g sugar (1/2 cup sugar)
  • 7 g dry yeast (one packet) or 30 g fresh yeast
  • 575 g white flour (4 cups half)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • Filling:
  • 100 g soft butter
  • 200 g brown sugar
  • 5 teaspoons cinnamon
  • Icing:
  • 4 tablespoons butter at room temperature
  • 2 cups powdered sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 3-6 tablespoons of hot water
  1. All ingredients should be removed from the refrigerator at least 1 hour before we start making the dough.
  2. To elucidate the thing with 1 egg and a half, I will say that it works like this: take an egg and and beat it well with a fork and pour half of it into the bowl in which you make the dough. In the original recipe, the grammage was 1 egg and ¼, but I couldn't measure like that and I put an egg and a half .... with the rest make a small omelet 🙂 or put it in soup.
  3. Melt butter in the microwave for about 1 minute. Be careful, do not boil it.
  4. Put it in a bowl where you will mix it with warm milk ( the temperature should be finger temp.- about 35 º C) and water.
  5. Add a pinch of salt, vanilla, the whole egg and the beaten one and the buttermilk. Mixi a little until sugar is incorporated..
  6. Add flour, one cup at a time, and after the second cup, add the yeast, then the remaining flour and knead well until dough becomes smooth and sticky. The dough has a good consistency, is easily ridden and will not give big headaches.
  7. Form a ball from the dough and put in a bowl slightly oiled on the edges, then cover it with a clean towel and put it in a place away from the current to rise, (approx 2 hours, or until doubled in volume).
  8. Once the dough cycle has completed, remove the dough from the baking pan and place on a clean, lightly floured work surface then divide it into 3 equal parts. (Or 2 if you want the rolls bigger)
  9. Stretch the dough in a rectangular shape with the dimensions 38/60cm. If it doesn't comes out like this, it should have a 5 mm thickness (1/4 inch)
  10. Mark off a 2.50-cm (1-inch) border along the edge of the dough, closest to you..
  11. Filling:
  12. In a bowl mix brown sugar with cinnamon. Brown sugar that I buy it here and which is used for the cakes, is moist. Do not use Turbinado sugar with large crystals,you will have problems when you will roll the dough!
  13. Heat a little the butter in the microwave (I put him 30 seconds) to become creamy. Using a silicone brush, spread it well on the dough. Sprinkle cinnamon sugar mixture over butter, making sure not to sprinkle on border edge, keep the border clean. Using your rolling pin, lightly roll the cinnamon sugar mixture.
  14. Starting at the far edge of the dough, roll the dough (towards you) tightly into a log, stopping just shy of the border edge. Using a pastry brush, brush a bit of water or milk on the border edge and then continue to roll dough (helps to seal the log).
  15. Using a sharp knife, trim the left and right ends of the log (so you have a flush end at each end of the log).
  16. Using the tip of a sharp paring knife, mark the log every 3.8-cm (1½-inches) (for small rolls) or 5-cm (2-inches) (for larger rolls).
  17. Place them facing up in the baking tray lined with baking paper and let them to rise for another hour,covered with a towel, until doubled in volume. I know it's a long time waiting, but that's if you want something super delicious right? After rising, rolls should be touching each other and the sides of the pan. This is important for best results. This will give the rolls the soft, moist outer edge that is preferred.
  18. Preheat oven to 170° C (335° F). Bake, one tin at-a-time (to obtain uniform results), until the rolls are lightly browned, about 20 minutes.
  19. When they are still warm, spread the icing and then sprinkle pecans on top.
  20. For the Icing :
  21. Mix 4 tablespoons butter at room temperature with 2 cups powdered sugar and 1 teaspoon vanilla . Dilute with 3-6 tablespoons of hot water (until you obtain desired consistency).
  22. Bon appetit!


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5 thoughts on “Cinnamon rolls/ Rulouri cu scortisoara

  1. March 26, 2013 at 11:11 am

    Ce frumosi sunt! Au iesit perfecti 🙂

    1. Gabriela
      March 27, 2013 at 2:54 pm

      Multumesc Anca! mie imi plac muuult de tot!

  2. felicia
    March 27, 2013 at 7:03 pm

    daca nu le mananci pe nerasuflate, nu ai inteles nimic !!! miros in toata casa a scortisoara !

  3. Maria
    December 14, 2014 at 5:15 pm

    Au iesit pufoase si fragede in interior? Eu am incercat reteta laurei vitale dar au iesit cam tari, de aia intreb

  4. Elena
    March 9, 2015 at 9:46 am

    Buna! Rulourile cu scortisoara sunt preferatele mele. Am facut de 2 ori reteta ta si am adaugat mai multa faina decat 575 g pt ca aluatul era f f moale, nu se modela deloc…Cred ca trebuie umblat la cantitatea de faina sau redusa cantitatea de lapte. Din cate stiu, 1 cup= 200 ml. Spor in toate!

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