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Aceasta este reteta mamei si noua ne place extrem de mult. Cand facem cate o supica de vacuta, scoatem carnea din supa si o facem cu paste. Cel mai bine iese cu tagliatele (pastele acelea late ca niste taitei) sau papardele si merge si cu alta carne de vaca daca nu aveti rasol. Are un gust aparte, nu cade greu si se face foarte usor.
un rasol de vaca de 400 – 500 gr
1 ceapa mare
500 ml supa/apa
o ceasca de ulei
300 ml suc de rosii sau piure de rosii
sare si piper dupa gust
oregano (optional)
1 pachet de spaghete/ tagliatele/ papardele
Mod de preparare:
Se fierb pastele in apa cu sare, se spala apoi intr-un jet de apa rece si se scurg bine in sita.
Pentru sos, tocam ceapa marunt si o innabusim in ulei pana cand este aproape topita, adaugand din cand in cand supa de legume, sau apa fierbinte.
Cand ceapa este gata, adaugam sucul de rosii (care ar trebui sa fie mai gros) , sarea, piperul si cimbrul si lasam sa fiarba la foc mic. Daca va place oregano, puteti sa folositi cat va place, cam 1/2 lingurita, iar cimbru cat luati intre doua degete (sau mai mult dupa gust).
Carnea fiarta se toaca marunt cu un cutit sau in robotul de bucatarie (eu o fac in robot si iese aproape ca o pasta) si se adauga sosului de rosii. Se lasa la fiert pana scade, amestecand din cand in cand cu o lingura ca sa nu se lipeasca.
Cand sosul a scazut, dar nu foarte tare il turnam peste paste, amestecam si bagam cratita in cuptorul preincalzit la 180ºC pentru maxim 20 de minute.
Se serveste cu parmezan sau mozzarella rasa daca doriti!
Sunt delicioase!
Pofta buna!
- shank 400 - 500 gr (boiled)
- 1 large onion
- 500 ml broth / water
- 1 cup oil
- 300 ml tomato juice or tomato puree (1¼ cup)
- salt and pepper to taste
- thyme
- oregano (optional)
- 1 package of spaghetti / tagliatele
- Boil pasta in salted water, then rinse in cold running water and drain well in a sieve.
- For the sauce, chop and stew the onion in oil until almost melted, occasionally adding vegetable broth or hot water.
- When the onion is ready, add tomato juice (which should be thicker), salt, pepper and thyme and let it simmer on low heat. If you like oregano, you can use as you like, about ½ teaspoon and add the thyme as well (or more to taste).
- Finely chop the cooked meat with a knife or food processor (I put it in the food processor and it comes almost like paste) and add tomato sauce. Let it boil until is decreased, stirring occasionally with a spoon so it does not stick.
- When the sauce has decreased, but not very much pour over the pasta, mix it and bake it in a pan in the preheated oven at 180 º C for up to 20 minutes.
- Serve with grated Parmesan and mozzarella if you want!
- They are delicious!
- Bon appetite!