Peanut Butter Cheesecake

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Acest cheesecake este o combinatie reusita intre unt de arahide, ciocolata si crema de branza. Are o textura super cremoasa, este un cheesecake decadent si satios. Topingul de frisca il face mai aerat si mai usor. Va invit sa il incercati! Nu veti fi dezamagiti!

Ingrediente tava cu diametrul de 24 cm:

200 gr biscuiti Oreo macinati

100 gr unt moale

1 pachet branza Philadelphia

2 linguri unt de arahide

75 gr zahar (pudra de preferinta)

1 lingurita esenta vanilie

Reese mini peanut butter cups (un pachet)

250 gr frisca pt cheesecake + 250 pt ganache de ciocolata

250 gr ciocolata

7 gr gelatina

 500 ml frisca pentru decor +1 lingura zahar

ciocolata neagra pentru decor si Reese mini peanut butter cups optional

Mod de preparare:

Amestecam biscuitii Oreo cu untul topit si apoi ii plasam in forma de tort cu inel detatsabil. Coacem blatul la 375 grade F (175ºC) cca 10 minute apoi il lasam sa se raceasca pana pregatim cremele.

Mixam branza Philadelphia in robotul de bucatarie pana cand nu mai are cocoloase. Ideal ar fi sa fie la temperatura camerei.

Adaugam zaharul, vanilia si untul de arahide si  mixam in continuare pana la omogenizare. Din cand in cand oprim robotul si curatam marginile bolului cu o spatula.

Hidratam gelatina in apa calduta si o dizolvam la microunde sau baie de abur apoi o adaugam in crema de branza si mixam energic pana la incorporare.

Mixam frisca (250 ml) si o incorporam in crema de branza cu ajutorul unei spatule de jos in sus.

Punem crema de branza peste blatul de biscuiti si nivelam frumos.

Deasupra se va turna ganachul de ciocolata.

Incalzim frisca (250 ml) pana este aproape de punctul de fierbere. Adaugam ciocolata bucatita si o lasam 2-3 minute sa se inmoaie apoi omogenizam cu ajutorul unui tel in forma de para pana cand devine o crema lucioasa. O lasam sa se racoreasca putin si o putem turna deasupra cremei de branza. (poate fi si calduta). Daca vreti ca cheesecakul sa aiba un aspect irizat puteti amesteca cu un cutit in ciocolata care se va imbina cu crema de branza. Daca nu, o puteti lasa asa, se va intari frumos.

Racim cheesecakul cel putin 4 ore. Cand este inchegat, batem restul de frisca cu 2 linguri de zahar si ornam pe deasupra. Ornam cu ciocolata taiata si bucati de Peanut Butter cups. (Reese peanut butter cups).

Este ceva de vis. Eu l-am savurat cu o reala placere!


Peanut Butter Cheesecake
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
If you love peanut butter, this is your go to Peanut Butter Cheesecake recipe! I assure you is the best!
Recipe type: Desert
Cuisine: International
Serves: 12
  • For the crust:
  • 200 gr Oreo cookies crushed
  • 100 gr melted butter
  • For the cheese cream:
  • 1 package cream cheese (250 gr)
  • 2 tbsp peanut butter
  • 75 gr sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 250 ml whipping cream
  • ½ package Reese mini peanut butter cups (cca 12)
  • 7gr gelatin
  • Ganache:
  • 250 gr milk chocolate (or dark)
  • 250 ml whipping cream
  • Decor:
  • 500 ml whipping cream
  • 1 spoon sugar
  • 100 gr chocolate
  • the rest of Reese peanut butter cups
  1. Melt butter and mix it with the Oreo cookies. Press the cookies into a cake pan with removable ring. bake for 10 minutes at 350F.
  2. Mix cream cheese with sugar and vanilla until smooth and you see no lumps. Add peanut butter and incorporate well. Add dissolved gelatin (which you soaked in a bit of water and then melted into microwave for 10 seconds). Beat whipping cream until soft peaks form then fold it into the cream cheese with a spatula. Add Reese mini peanut butter cups cut in halves.
  3. Put the cream over the crust and level well.
  4. Ganache:
  5. Heat whipping cream into a stainless steel pot. Do not boil! Add cut chocolate pieces and let it rest for 2 minutes then stir well with a whisk until well combined and you get a glossy cream.
  6. Pour chocolate ganache over the cream cheese. It can be warm. Stir with a knife through chocolate and cheese, so it incorporates just a bit.
  7. Refrigerate approx. 4 hours before serving and then decorate with whipped cream. It makes it fluffier and lighter. Cut pieces of chocolate and the rest of Reese's peanut butter cups. Place them on top of the cake and viola!An awesome, scrumptious, chocolaty and damn creamy cheesecake!
  8. Enjoy! It is amazing!!!!


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2 thoughts on “Peanut Butter Cheesecake

  1. February 6, 2018 at 5:39 am

    This looks so inviting with all the goodies!

    1. Gabriela
      February 13, 2018 at 6:41 pm

      Thanks Angie! It is de-li-cious!

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