Chec negru/ Cocoa cake

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IMG_1001Reteta este o reteta veche din familie, asemanator cu reteta de negresa clasica, foarte usor de preparat, intr-un timp relativ scurt si cu sorti de izbanda. De cate ori fac vreun chec nu apuc sa mai fac si poze, ca se mananca foarte repede, dar de data asta, l-am ascuns :-). Se poate glazura cu ciocolata topita sau cu toppingul preferat. Este delicios!

Am sa dau masurile si in grame si in cani (cana gradata de 250). Vor iesi 2 checuri in forme mici sau 1 chec mare (in forma lunga).

4 oua

100 ml lapte

360 gr zahar (2 cani gradate de 250)

1 pachet margarina (250 gr)

50 gr cacao

1 praf de copt (1 lingurita)

260 gr faina (1 cana si 3/4)

    • Intr-o craticiora de inox punem la incalzit margarina taiata cubulete, zaharul si laptele. Cand margarina este topita si zaharul este dizolvat, tragem craticioara de pe foc si adaugam cacaoa (cernuta) si omogenizam cu un tel. lasam compozitia sa se raceasca inainte de a adauga ouale si faina. Ca sa se raceasca mai repede, se poate pune craticioara in chiuveta umpluta partial cu apa rece, mestecand continuu cu un tel in compozitie. Toata treaba asta nu dureaza mai mult de 10 minute!
    •  Urmatorul pas este sa separam albusurile de galbenusuri. Batem albusurile spuma tare si le bagam la frigider.
    • Cand compozitia s-a racit (temperatura suportabila la deget) o rasturnam intr-un bol mai incapator si adaugam pe rand cate un galbenus . Omogenizam bine dupa fiecare cu ajutorul mixerului.
    • Adaugam si faina amestecata cu praful de copt iar la final incorporam albusurile batute spuma cu ajutorul telului in forma de para, cu miscari de jos in sus.
    • Tapetam 2 forme de chec cu hartie de copt si punem jumatate din compozitie in fiecare.
    • Le coacem in cuptorul preincalzit la 200 de grade pentru primele 15 minute, apoi se reduce temperatura la 160 de grade. (intai la foc mare apoi la foc mic).

Se lasa sa se raceasca si se glazureaza cu ciocolata sau toping de ciocolata.

Pofta buna!

Cocoa cake
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
The recipe is an old family recipe, like the classic brownie recipe,very easy to prepare, in a short time and successful . You can glaze it with melted chocolate or your favorite topping. It was delicious! I'll give the measurements in grams and cups. You will get two cakes in small forms or 1 large loaf (long form).
Serves: 8
  • 4 eggs
  • 100 ml of milk
  • 360 grams sugar (2 cups graduated 250)
  • Margarine 250 gr
  • 50 gr cocoa
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 260 g flour (1 cup and ¾)
  1. In a stainless steel pot put together the margarine, sugar and milk and warm them up. When margarine is melted and sugar is dissolved,take the saucepan from the heat and add cocoa (sifted) and blend it with a whisk. Allow mixture to cool before adding the eggs and flour. To cool quickly, you can put the pan in the sink partially filled with cold water and continuously stir with a whisk in composition. The whole thing should take no longer than 10 minutes!
  2. The next step is to separate the whites from the yolks. Beat egg whites hard and refrigerate them.
  3. When the mixture has cooled (finger temperature) put it in a larger bowl and add one yolk at the time. Homogenize by mixing well after each addition.
  4. Add flour mixed with baking powder and finally whisk in the egg whites from bottom to top.
  5. Prepare two loaf pans with parchment paper and pour half of the batter in each one.
  6. Bake in preheated oven at 200 (400F) degrees for the first 15 minutes, then reduce temperature to 160 degrees(360). First on high heat then simmer).
  7. Allow to cool and glaze with chocolate or chocolate topping.


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One thought on “Chec negru/ Cocoa cake

  1. June 6, 2013 at 6:13 pm

    Oh Boy! This cake really looks so delish! I loved the look of your cake….oozing with colours and flavours, I must say!

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