Un tort ciocolatos si super cremos ca acesta nu pot sa refuz niciodata. Daca sunteti ciocoholici trebuie sa incercati reteta! Frostingul de deasupra (trandafirii) sunt facuti cu swiss meringue buttercream, o nebunie de crema, sigur o sa va placa!
L-am denumit “Tort Gillian” pentru ca l-am facut pentru o prietena speciala, Gillian!
250 gr faina (1 3/4 cani faina)
80 gr cacao ( 3/4 cana cacao)
400 gr zahar (2 cani zahar)
1/2 lingurita sare
2 oua mari
1 lingurita praf de copt
2 lingurite bicarbonat de sodiu
125 ml ulei (1/2 cana ulei)
250 ml lapte batut sau iaurt (1 cana)
125 ml cafea proaspata (1/2 cana cafea)
Crema de ciocolata
200 g ciocolata cu lapte (sau cu 55% cacao)
200 ml frisca
1 pachet branza Philadelphia (temperatura camerei)
Swiss meringue buttercream (pentru decor trandafiri si nivelat tort)
300 gr zahar (1 1/2 cups zahar)
6 albusuri
454 gr unt (4 batoane) sau 2 pachete de unt romanesti cu grasime 80%
1 lingurita esenta vanilie sau un baton vanilie
200 gr ciocolata (topita)
100 gr ciocolata cu lapte
100 ml frisca lichida
Mod de preparare:
Blatul se face foarte repede.
- Preincalzim cuptorul la 175ºC.
- Ingredientele uscate (faina, zaharul, cacaoa, praful de copt si bicarbonatul) le vom cerne si le punem impreuna intr-un castron separat apoi le amestecam cu un tel sau cu o lingura ca sa se omogenizeze. Daca avem robot de bucatarie, le putem pune direct in vasul acestuia si mixam cateva secunde.
- Ingredientele lichide (inclusiv ouale) le punem in alt vas si le turnam peste cele uscate apoi mixam bine pana la incorporare.
- Tapetam 2 tavi de tort cu foaie de copt si turnam jumatate din compozitie in fiecare.
- Introducem in cuptor si coacem aprox. 35 – 40 min, pana trec testul scobitorii.
- Se scot usor din forme, dupa ce s-au racit apoi le punem pe un gratar sa se raceasca in totalitate.
Este obligatoriu sa coacem 2 blaturi, nu unul, deoarece este foarte greu de taiat! Daca nu aveti 2 forme de tort, atunci le veti coace separat!
Crema: branza sa fie la temperatura camerei si o taiem cubuete.
- Incalzim frisca lichida intr-o craticioara de inox.
- Cand s-a infierbantat bine si este aproape de punctul de fierbere, tragem craticioara de pe foc si punem ciocolata rupta bucatele. Lasam 1 minut sa se odihneasca apoi amestecam cu telul pana cand devine o crema omogena si lucioasa.
- Bagam crema la frigider si dupa ce s-a racit, batem crema cu un mixer electric pana devine capata consistenta (nu mixati prea mult ca se intareste foarte repede!, mixati doar cat sa isi deschida putin culoarea). Adaugam putin cate putin crema de branza si mixam dupa fiecare aditie pana la incorporare. Cum am batut-o, o si intindem pe primul blat, altfel, se va intari si va fi foarte greu de intins! mai ales daca ciocolata a avut un continut ridicat de cacaco (mai mare de 55%).
Swiss meringue buttercream:
- Separam albusurile de galbenusuri.
- Amestecam albusurile cu zaharul si le punem pe baie de abur amestecand continuu timp de aproximativ 3 minute pana se dizolva zaharul.
- Cand s-a dizolvat zaharul, mixam albusurile timp de 5 minute la viteza medie apoi crestem viteza la maxim si mixam pana cand albusurile s-au racit. Puteti verifica daca s-au racit ataingand bolul mixerului.
- Adaugam vanilia si mixam apoi cate o lingura de unt treptat si mixam pana la incorporare. Un link cu video gasiti aici
Crema trebuie sa fie foarte cremoasa si untul sa se fi incorporat perfect. Ornati tortul cu ea cat este la temperatura camerei. Daca vreti sa ii adaugati ciocolata, topiti ciocolata pe bain marie si adaugati treptat in crema. Asa dobanditi un swiss meringue buttercream de ciocolata.
Acesta crema este perfecta pentru ornat cupcakes, folosita pentru decor dar si pentru straturile interioare. Se poseaza minunat, mai bine ca orice crema!
Crema o puteti tine la temperatura camerei si cateva ore bune. Daca se taie, mixati din nou si se va repara. Ideea este ca untul sa aiba continut mare de grasime, cel putin 80%. Un unt mai slab are apa in cotinut si riscati sa vi se taie crema.
Asamblare tort:
Intre cele doua blaturi de cacao punem crema de ciocolata cu branza. Va fi o crema densa dar cremoasa cu gut intens de ciocolata.
- Pentru glazura, punem frisca la infierbantat, pe foc mic, apoi adaugam ciocolata, lasam 1 minut sa se odihneasca si omogenizam cu un tel pana ciocolata s-a topit. Adaugam si o lingura de miere si amestecam bine.
- Lasam glazura la racit la temperatura camerei, apoi o turnam peste tort si o lasam sa se scurga bine.
Ornam tortul de jur imprejur cu swiss meringue buttercream si deasupra turnam glazura pe care o lasam sa se intareasca apoi formam trandafiri cu posul.
Bilutele acelea de ciocolata sunt quinoa trasa in ciocolata. Voi puteti sa ornati cu ce va place!
Inainte de servire lasati tortul la temperatura camerei pentru 20-30 minute…daca aveti rabdare. Swiss meringue buttercream-ul se intareste la frigider si, ca sa ii simtiti textura cremoasa trebuie sa fie la temperatura camerei 🙂
- Sponge cakes:
- 250 gr flour(1¾ cups)
- 80 gr cocoa ( ¾ cups)
- 400 gr sugar (2 cups)
- ½ tsp salt
- 2 large eggs
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 2 tsp baking soda
- 125 ml oil (1/2 cups
- 250 ml buttermilk (1 cup)
- 125 ml fresh brewed coffee (1/2 cups)
- Chocolate ganache with cream cheese:
- 200 gr (1⅓ cups chocolate chips) milk chocolate or dark chocolate with 55% cocoa
- 200 ml whipping cream (2/3 cup)
- 1 package Philadelphia cream cheese (250 gr)
- Swiss meringue buttercream:
- 300 gr caster sugar (1½ cups)
- 6 egg whites
- 454 gr butter (4 sticks) with 80% fat
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 200 gr (3/4 cups) gr melted chocolate (milk or dark)
- Chocolate Glaze:
- 100 gr milk chocolate (2/3 cup)
- 100 ml whipping cream (1/2 cup)
- 1 tbsp honey
- Preheat the oven at 350 degrees F. Butter two 8-inch x 2-inch round cake pans. Line with parchment paper, then butter and flour the pans.
- Sift the flour, sugar, cocoa, baking soda, baking powder, and salt into the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with a paddle attachment and mix on low speed until combined. In another bowl, combine the buttermilk, oil, eggs, and vanilla. With the mixer on low speed, slowly add the wet ingredients to the dry. With mixer still on low, add the coffee and stir just to combine, scraping the bottom of the bowl with a rubber spatula. Pour the batter into the prepared pans and bake for 35 to 40 minutes, until a cake tester comes out clean. Cool in the pans for 30 minutes, then turn them out onto a cooling rack and cool completely.
- Chocolate ganache with cream cheese:
- Put whipped cream into a stainless steel saucepan and put it on low heat.
- When it is almost boiling chocolate chips and let it rest for 1 minute then stir with a whisk until chocolate has melted and becomes glossy and creamy.
- Allow the ganache to cool in the freezer for approx. 15 minutes.
- When cool, beat the ganache cream with an electric mixer until it becomes fluffy and pale.Do not over beat! Add gradually cream cheese at room temperature (cut in cubes).
- Swiss meringue buttercream:
- Put egg whites into a bowl and add sugar. Transfer the bowl over a pot with simmering water and stir in the egg whites until sugar is dissolved, about 3 minutes.
- Set up the bowl with the paddle attachment and whisk the egg whites for 5 minutes at medium speed. Increase the speed and add butter at room temperature gradually. Link with video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=604wHqcQ8f0
- This meringue is perfect for piping, it can stay at room temperature for hours. In case you have some left over, you can refrigerate it and reuse it! Before reusing, let it warm up at room temperature, it becomes soft and easy to pipe 😉
- At the end, add melted chocolate for chocolate flavor!
- Assembling the cake:
- In between the two sponge cakes put the ganache cream and level it with a spatula.
- Cover the cake with swiss meringue buttercream then pour the chocolate glaze. On top of the glaze (when it s cold) pipe roses with the rest of swiss meringue buttercream.
- Chocolate glaze:
- For the glaze, put cream over low heat and heat up until almost boiling. Add the chocolate and let it rest for 1 minute. Stir well with a whisk until chocolate has melted and mixture is glossy. Add a tablespoon of honey and stir well.
- Let the glaze cool down at room temperature, then pour over the cake.
- I sprinkled some puffed quinoa covered in chocolate on the sides of the cake. You can use any other sprinkles if you like!
- Before serving, let the cake warm up at room temperature for 20-30 minutes. Buttercream hardens in the fridge.
- Enjoy this deviliciousness 🙂

This looks stunning! The piped frosting looks so sexy 🙂
Thank you Angie!
Buna! Super tort! Ce dimensiune au tavile, in care au fost coapte blaturile?
Buna Luminita! Tavile mele de tort au 23 cm (9″).
Succes si sa-mi spui cum a iesit!
WOW this cake is gorgeous! Perfect for birthdays!
Thank you Natalie! I’m glad you like it 😉