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Exista multe tipuri de lasagna, cu ciuperci, cu legume, cu spanac etc.  Eu o fac pe cea cu sos ragu si sos bechamel pentru ca imi place cel mai mult si pentru ca nu vreau sa ma indepartez prea mult de la retata clasica.

Sos Ragu:

– 700 gr carne tocata (vita si porc)

– un morcov

– o ceapa potrivita

– 2 catei de usturoi

– 1 lingura pasta de tomate

– o c anabulion de rosii

– 1 pahar vin alb (sec)

– 100 gr smantana

– oregano

– o foaie de dafin

o crenguta de rozmarin

Sos bechamel:

– cca. 700 ml lapte

– 4 linguri faina

– 60 gr unt

– sare, piper dupa gust

Mai avem nevoie de:

– foi proaspete sau paste de lasagna (daca folositi paste, intra 9 foi de paste pentru 3 straturi)

– parmezan 200 gr

– 250 gr mozzarela

Mod de preparare:

Am taiat ceapa marunt si am calit-o in cateva linguri de ulei. Am adaugat usturoiul tocat marunt si morcovul ras pe razatoarea mica si le-am lasat pe foc pana au prins putina culoare.

Am adaugat carnea tocata si am lasat-o pe foc pana s-a deschis la culoare, apoi am adaugat  vinul si am tinut pe aragaz pana a fost complet absorbit. Se adauga bulionul si  pasta de tomate (cam o lingura pasta de tomate si cam o cana mare de bulion), foaia de dafin si crenguta de rozmarin (daca nu aveti rozmarin nu-i bai) si se acopera. Se tine pe foc in jur de 20 de minute pana carnea devine frageda!

Scoatem dafinul si crenguta de rozmarin si adaugati sare, piper si oregano. Am pus apoi smantana si am mai lasat 2-3 minute pe foc.

Pentru sosul bechamel am topit untul, am adaugat faina mestecand continuu pentru a nu se forma cocoloase si apoi am adaugat laptele mestecand energic pana cand devine ca o ciulama mai lichida, apoi sare si piper dupa gust. Se lasa sa fiarba 5 minute amestecand mereu ca sa nu se lipeasca.

Intr-o tava unsa cu unt am  pus foile de lasagna (mie imi intra 3 foi de paste de lasagna pe un strat), am adaugat un strat de sos ragu, un strat de sos bechamel si am presarat parmezan ras.

Am repetat operatiunea de doua ori (3 straturi) . La final, peste ultimul strat de sos bechamel am sarit parmezanul si am adaugat din abundenta mozzarela rasa.

Se baga in cuptorul incins la  180 grade Celsius pentru cca 35 – 40 minute, sau pana cand prinde culoarea aurie specifica.

Pofta buna! si sigur o sa aveti 🙂 ca este de-li-cioa-sa!

Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Recipe type: Main
Cuisine: Italian
Serves: 12
  • 1 package lasagna pasta (approx 9 rectangular sheets)
  • 700 gr mix of pork and beef
  • 1 tbsp tomato paste
  • 1 glass white wine
  • 1 cup tomato juice (or more, for your taste)
  • 1 tsp oregano
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 100 ml sour cream (1/2 cup)
  • 1 onion finely chopped
  • 1 medium carrot
  • Bechamel sauce:
  • 700 ml milk (3 cups)
  • 4 tbsp flour ( or corn starch for gluten free)
  • 50 gr butter (1/2 stick)
  • salt and pepper, nutmeg (only if you like)
  • Dressing:
  • 450 gr mozzarella
  • ½ cup parmesan
  1. For the Ragu sauce:
  2. Chop the onion and shred the carrot. Saute the vegetables in 4 tbsp of oil. When the onion becomes translucent add the meat and stir until no lumps could be seen. Let it cook for about 10 minutes adding a bit of water once in a while (like ½ cup so it doesn't stick to the pan) Add all the spices and then tomato juice and tomato paste. Cover it with a lid and let it cook until meat becomes very tender. Stir occasionally. When it is cooked, add the wine and remove from the heat.
  3. Let it cool before adding sour cream. Set it aside and boil the pasta according to the package.
  4. Bechamel sauce:
  5. It is very well known sauce that you can easily make it at home from scratch. The heat has to be on low!
  6. In a medium stainless steel pot heat the butter until melted. Add the flour all at once, and stir energetically adding milk in the same time. Stir until no lumps seen. Season with salt and pepper and a pinch of nutmeg. Let it boil until thickens a bit but stir constantly so it doesn's stick from the pan. Use it as fallows.
  7. Grease a pan with butter or cooking oil and place lasagna pasta then add ⅓ of the Ragu sauce. Sprinkle Parmesan and mozzarella and 3-4 tbsp of Bechamel sauce (white sauce). Repeat with the pasta until you have 3 layers of each. Keep more Bechamel sauce for the top. Sprinkle plenty of mozzarella on top as well and bake lasagna until becomes golden brown on top, for about 20-30 min.
  8. Serve it hot with a glass of white wine.
  9. Enjoy!


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One thought on “Lasagna

  1. Vali
    September 9, 2013 at 11:10 am

    Gabi spune-mi te rog, foile de lasagna le pui asa uscate in tava? eu am facut de vreo trei ori lasagna si sincer imi amintesc ca am avut mereu tendinta sa le fierb inainte de teama sa nu imi ramana asa uscate pt ca uneori pe margini parca nu se faceau bine!

    In rest vad ca site-ul tau infloreste, pt mine e mana cereasca cand sunt in pana de inspiratie … am sa fac si prajitura cu piersici si bezea si ciorba de dovlecei in weekend !

    Te pup, sper sa te prind online intr-o zi sa mai stam de vorba, poate cand ma mai linistesc si eu cu munca ca deocamdata sunt inca activa!

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