Please scroll down for English version!
1 kg ciuperci champignon
1 ceapa medie
2 linguri faina
o mana de marar verde
5 oua
piper si pesmet
Mod de preparare:
- Spalam ciupercile de eventualele impuritati, le taiem in 4 si le punem la fiert
- Intre timp taiem o ceapa si o calim in cateva linguri de ulei
- Cand ciupercile sunt fierte, le scurgem bine de zeama si le tocam in robotul de bucatarie cat de marunt ne place. Daca nu aveti robot, le tocati cu cutitul bucatele mai mici.
- Batem 5 oua cu sare si piper si le amestecaam cu ciupercile gata taiate
- Spalam mararul si-l tocam si apoi il adaugam ciupercilor
- Amestecam totul foarte bine si mai punem in compozitie 2 linguri de faina pentru o mai buna inchegare a ruladei
- Ungem o forma de yenna sau teflon cu unt si apoi o tapetam cu pesmet si turnam compozitia de ciuperci
- Preincalzim cuptorul la 180 °C si coacem rulada pana se rumeneste
Pofta buna! Este senzationala!
English version
Mushroom loaf
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Author: gabriela cuisine
Serves: 12
- 1 kg mushrooms
- 1 medium onion
- 2 tbsp flour
- 1 full hand fresh dill
- 5 eggs
- salt
- pepper
- breadcrumbs
- Wash the mushrooms and cut them in quarters and then boil them
- In the meanwhile cut an onion very thin, add few spoons of oil and water and cook the onion
- When the mushrooms are ready, put them in the food processor and cut them as tiny as you like
- Beat 5 eggs, add salt and pepper and then mix them with the mushrooms
- Add the cooked onion and the fresh dill thinly cut plus add 2 tbsp of flour to help the loaf become tick faster
- Grease a pan with butter and then sprinkle breadcrumbs, add the mushrooms mix and bake it in the oven at 180 °C.
- Enjoy! It is wonderful!