Supa de rosii cu galusti/Tomato soup with dumplings

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Pentru ca am intrat in post de azi, va poftesc la o supica de rosii delicioasa…doar virtual din pacate 🙂 Bineinteles, daca tineti post fara oua, nu mai faceti galusti, puneti fidea sau orez. Eu tin post fara carne, oua si lactate mananc 🙂

Ingrediente pentru 8 portii: (oala de 4 litri)

750 ml suc de rosii de buna calitate (facut in casa ideal)

o ceapa

2 morcovi medii

1 pastarnac

1 telina mica

1 ardei mare

sare/vegeta dupa gust

cateva linguri ulei

patrunjel verde

1 lingura zahar (in functie de cat de acid e sucul de rosii)


2 oua intregi


un praf de sare

Mod de preparare:

Este foarte simplu, intai curatam toate legumele, umplem oala cu apa doar pe jumatate si adaugam legumele taiate dupa cum va place. Eu inafara de pastarnac si telina, toc tot.

Lasam supa la fiert cu un praf de sare apoi cand legumele sunt gata, adaugam sucul de rosii si uleiul si lasam sa dea un clocot, doua.

Pregatim galustile:

Batem cele doua oua si adaugam grisul in ploaie amestecand continuu sa nu faca cocoloase. Consistenta galustilor trebuie sa fie ca o smantana groasa, incercand cu un strop de aluat pe care il punem in supa fierbinte. Daca acesta nu se imprastie, compozitia e buna. In general pentru un ou adaugam 4-5 linguri de gris.

Eu fierb galustile separat la aceasta supa pentru ca am patit sa imi ramana tari la mijloc. Asadar, pun apa la fiert intr-o craticioara separata si cand aceasta fierbe, pun cate o galusca cu lingura. Cand s-au umflat, se stropesc cu o ceasca de apa rece, in craticioara in care le-am fiert (ca sa iasa pufoase).Cand sunt gata, le pun in supa de rosii.

Tocam patrunjelul fin si il punem deasupra.

Pofta buna!


English version

Tomato soup with durum semolina dumplings/Supa de rosii cu galusti
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Because today we started fasting for Easter, I made this soup which is very easy to do and in the mean time, delicious!
Serves: 8
  • 750 ml tomato juice (puree)
  • 1 onion
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 bell pepper
  • 1 celery (small) or ¼ from one big
  • 1 parsnip
  • salt or vegeta for your taste
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • few spoons of oil
  • fresh parsley chopped
  • For the dumplings (will make16)
  • 2 eggs
  • 10 tbsp wheat semolina
  1. It is very easy, first wash the vegetables and put it in a large pot (4 l). Usually I chop them all, beside parsnip and celery.
  2. Fill half of the pot with water then put it on the stove to boil. Add a little bit of salt.
  3. When they are ready, add the tomato juice (or puree) and the oil and give it a boil. Taste for salt.
  4. Set aside and prepare the dumplings as following:
  5. Beat the eggs then add a pinch of salt.
  6. Stir in the wheat semolina (8-10 tbsp), little by little, avoiding the lumps. The consistency of the composition must be like a tick cream.
  7. Usually, for this soup, I boil them separately, because, it happened to me to remain hard in the middle, so we will boil them in a separate pot with water.
  8. Bring the water to a boil and add the dumplings with the spoon. Let them double in size and when they are ready, sprinkle a little bit of cold water on their surface. (this will make them more fluffy). Then add them to the soup.
  9. Chop the parsley and put in the soup.
  10. Enjoy!

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