Scroll down for English version or select your language from the right!Aceasta reteta de caramel este nemaipomenita! Cel mai bun caramel care l-am mancat eu pana acum. Nu stiu de ce, nu mi se pare foarte dulce si pot manca chiar simplu, fara sa il pun pe inghetata. Incercati retata cu incredere ca veti fi surprinsi cat este de delicios.
500 ml frisca 35% grasime
500 gr zahar tos
2 linguri de unt
Mod de preparare:
- Punem zaharul intr-o craticioara de inox cu fundul dublu. Dam focul la minim si amestecam tot timpul cu o lingura. Zaharul sa va caramelizeza incet. Atentie sa nu se arda ca va fi amar.
- Cand a capatat culoarea chihlimbarului il luam de pe foc si adaugam untul, dupa care amestecam sa se incorporeze, apoi adaugam frisca lichida. Zaharul se va intari ca o caramea dar se va dizolva punand cratita inapoi pe foc amestecand continuu.
- Prin racirecaramelul se va intari. Cand este gata, dizolvat zaharul puteti pune cratita in chiuveta umpluta cu apa rece si amestecati in el ca sa se intareasca. Eu il pun in borcane inchise ermetic si il tin la frigider.
- Il puteti folosi ca topping pentru inghetata sau la torturi. Este minunat de bun si se poate pastra saptamani intregi in frigider.
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
This caramel recipe is one of the best. The caramel is becoming thick at cold temperature and is very delicious, not overly sweet like the one bought in the store. Try it with confidence and you won't regret!
Author: gabriela cuisine
Serves: 2 jars
- 500 ml whipping cream (35% fat) equivalent with 2 cups
- 500 grams caster sugar (2½ cups)
- 2 spoons soft butter
- Put sugar in sauce pan with double bottom. Set the stove at low and caramelize the sugar until has a golden brown color. Do not burn the sugar, it will have a bitter taste.
- Set aside the caramelized sugar and add the soft butter stirring until combined, then add the whipping cream. The sugar will harden up like a caramel candy, but don't worry, when put on the stove again will dissolve, stirring constantly in it.
- When it is all dissolved and homogeneous , you can cool it down putting the pot in the sink already filled up with cold water. Then transfer it in Mason jars and keep it in the fridge. In the fridge it will harden up even more.
- You can add it as a topping for ice cream or for cakes in any way.
- It is scrumptious!!
- Enjoy!
Absolutely heavenly!