Chec cu merisoare, nuci si portocala/ Cranberry – orange – walnut – tea cake

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IMG_5953Este un chec deosebit de pufos si parfumat. Reteta apartine Marthei Stewart si pentru ca mie imi plac foarte mult merisoarele am decis sa il si fac :-), mai ales ca am in congelator de ceva vreme niste pungi cu merisoare si trebuie sa le consum….oricum, cand am chef de ceva dulce si rapid fac un chec, este mereu primit cu placere 😉

Ingrediente: pentru 1 chec forma de 23 cm/13 cm sau forma lunga

Daca folositi ca unitate de masura cana, folositi o cana de 250 ml!

115 gr unt plus pentru uns tava (1/2 cana)

360 gr faina (2 cani)

180 ml smantana pentru frisca (3/4 cana) sau smantana grasa

coaja de la o portocala plus 2 linguri de suc proaspat de portocale (eu am folosit lamaie)

1 lingurita extract de vanilie

1/4 lingurita praf de copt

1/4 lingurita bicarbonat de sodiu

un varf de cutit sare

200 gr zahar (1 cana)

2 oua mari

1 cana merisoare (proaspete sau congelate)

60 gr nuci prajite si tocate grosier (1/2 cana)

IMG_5955Mod de preparare:

  • Preincalziti cuptorul la 175 ºC (350ºF).
  • Ungeti tava de chec cu unt si tapetati-o cu faina.
  • Combinam smantana lichida cu vanilia si sucul de portocale intr-un castronel, iar faina si praful de copt, bicarbionatul de sodiu si sarea le combinam in alt castron, amestecandu-le cu un tel.
  • Mixam untul la temperatura camerei cu coaja de portocala si cu zaharul pana devine pufos, cca. 3-5 minute
  • Adaugam apoi cate un ou si amestecam dupa fiecare aditie, apoi adaugam faina in 3 transe alternand cu mixtura de smantana, in 2 transe, mixand pana cand se omogenizeaza bine.
  • Incorporam merisoarele si nucile cu o paleta in aluat si apoi punem aluatul in forma nivelandu-l frumos.
  • Coacem checul in cuptorul preincalzit la 175ºc pana cand trece testul scobitorii, aprox. 55 minute.
  • Se lasa la racit 15 minute pe un gratar in forma apoi se rastoarna pe un platou si se lasa la racit complet.
  • Se serveste alaturi de o ceasca de cafea sau ceai 😉

Pofta buna! este delicios!IMG_5939

Cranberry - Orange - walnut Tea cake
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
The recipe belong to Martha Stewart from the book Marta Stewart's cakes, it is delicious, and the textures marry very well.
Recipe type: desert
Serves: 10
  • ½ cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, room temperature plus more for pan
  • 2 cups all purpose flour plus more for pan
  • ¾ cup heavy cream
  • zest from 1 orange and 2 tbsp. orange juice
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • ¼ tsp baking powder
  • ¼ tsp baking soda
  • a pinch of salt
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 cup fresh or frozen (thawed) cranberries
  • ½ cup walnuts, toasted
  1. Preheat oven at 350 F degrees.s
  2. Butter a 9 by 5 inch loaf pan and dust it with flour tapping the excess.
  3. Combine dry ingredients in a bowl: flour, salt, baking powder and baking soda, whisking them well.
  4. In another bowl combine orange juice, vanilla extract and heavy cream.
  5. Cream butter with sugar and orange zest until pale and fluffy then add eggs one at the time beating after each addition.
  6. Add flour mixture in 3 batches alternating with 2 batches of cream mixture. Beat until combined.
  7. Gently, fold in cranberries and walnuts with a spatula. Pour the batter in the loaf pan smoothing the top and bake until the tooth stick test passes, about 55 minutes.
  8. Transfer pan to wire rack to cool 15 minutes then turn out the cake to cool completely.



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3 thoughts on “Chec cu merisoare, nuci si portocala/ Cranberry – orange – walnut – tea cake

  1. February 2, 2014 at 5:44 pm

    Asa pufosenie nu este de refuzat…

    1. Gabriela
      February 3, 2014 at 12:10 am

      Asa este Rocsy! chiar te rog sa nu il refuzi ! 😉

  2. Vesea Andrei
    January 28, 2015 at 3:20 pm

    Buna ziua de curand mi am infiintat o plantatie mica de merisoare langa Oradea.sunt interesat sa stiu daca atiu vrea sa cumparati dupa ce intru pe productie.pentru mai multe detalii intrebati ma pe email.multumesc!

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