Fursecuri cu alune si ciocolata/ Chocolate hazelnut cookies

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Click here for English version!IMG_7677M-am apucat de copt fursecuri pentru Craciun. In Canada este foarte populara aceasta indeletnicire in preajma sarbatorilor de iarna si toata lumea face schimb de fursecuri si prajituri. Asadar o sa va prezint o serie de retete care mai de care mai delicioase.

Ingrediente pentru aprox. 30 fursecuri:

  • 120 gr unt sau margarina
  • 50 gr ciocolata neagra
  • 180 gr faina (1 1/4 cani)
  • 150 gr zahar brun (3/4 cana)
  • 2 oua intregi bine batute
  • 2 linguri cacao cernute
  • 100 gr alune prajite (3/4 cana) si taiate cu cutitul
  • 100 gr chipsuri de ciocolata cu lapte (sau alba sau neagra) (3/4 cana)Pentru ornat:
  • 30 alune prajite fara coaja
  • 60 gr ciocolata alba si topitaIMG_7664

Mod de preparare:

  • Se pun intr-o craticioara margarina si ciocolata neagra si se lasa la foc mic pana cand acestea s-au topit, mestecand din cand in cand cu o lingura de lemn.
  • Se da amestecul deoparte si se lasa 5 minute sa se racoreasca apoi adaugam zaharul brun si omogenizam.
  • Adaugam si ouale batute apoi faina si cacacoa cernute.
  • La final adaugam chipsurile de ciocolata si alunele taiate grosier.
  • Tapetam o tava cu hartie de copt si asezam fursecurile la distanta de cca. 4 cm una fata de alta. Se pot pune cu lingura dar se pot forma si cu mana si apoi turtite usor cu degetul in tava. Nu uitam sa le punem fiecareia o aluna in mijloc apoi le coacem aprox. 8-10 minute in cuptorul preincalzit la 175°C sau 350°F.
  • Se scot usor pe un gratar si se orneaza cu ciocolata alba topita.

Pofta buna! Alaturi de un ceai aromat sunt o nebunie! Nu mai zic de mirosul care va umple toata casa!IMG_7659

Chocolate hazelnut cookies
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
these appealing cookies are rich with chocolate chunks and especially in combination with toasted hazelnuts! Ill present you a series of recipes for Christmas from now on....people are used to exchange cookies around Christmas and New year so keep an eye on my website! and Enjoy!
Recipe type: Desert
Cuisine: Canadian
Serves: 30
  • ½ cup butter or margarine
  • 1½ semi sweet chocolate baking squares (28 gr each or 1 oz each)
  • 1¼ cups all purpose flour
  • 2 large eggs fork beaten
  • 2 tbsp sifted cocoa
  • ¾ cup chopped and toasted hazelnuts
  • ½ cup milk chocolate chips (or white chocolate or black chocolate)
  • 30 hazelnuts
  • 2 white chocolate baking squares (1 oz or 28 g each) melted to decorate
  1. Heat butter and semisweet chocolate in a sauce pan on low heat, stirring constantly, until melted. Remove from heat and let it cool for about 5 min. then add brown sugar and stir well.
  2. Add the beaten eggs and mix well, then add sifted flour and cocoa.
  3. At the end add the chocolate chips and chopped hazelnuts.
  4. Drop, using a teaspoon for each, about 2 inches apart (5cm) onto greased cookie sheets.
  5. Place 1 hazelnut on top of each mound and bake in oven at 350F or 175 C for about 10 minutes. Let stand on cookie sheets about 5 minutes then remove them on wire rack to cool.
  6. Heat second amount of white chocolate in microwave or in a sauce pan, then drizzle chocolate over cookies using a plastic bag snipped at a corner.
  7. Enjoy! together with a warm tea they are amazing and the smell......just divine!


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