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Ia gogoasa neamuleee :-)! Eu cred ca nu o sa ma satur niciodata de gogosi, sunt cele mai pufoase si delicioase, oricand si oriunde! Aceasta reteta este foarte simpla, se fac rapid rapid, daca folositi drojdie proaspata vor creste imediat si se prajesc la fel de repede. Daca vreti, le puteti umple cu crema de vanilie.
Ingrediente pentru aprox. 30 gogosi:
500 gr faina
50 gr zahar
250 ml lapte
2 pliculete zahar vanilat sau esenta de vanilie
25 gr drojdie proaspata (8 gr drojdie uscata)
coaja de la o lamaie/portocala
1 praf sare
3 oua
50 ml unt topit
ulei pt. prajit
zahar granulat pt. tavalit
Mod de preparare:
- Punem faina cernuta intr-un bol. Facem o gropita in mijloc si adaugam ouale frecate cu praful de sare, zaharul amestecat in prealabil cu laptele caldut (doar 200 ml incalzim un pic pe foc ca sa se dizolve zaharul, temp. max trebuie sa fie 37ºC cand il adaugam in faina).
- Intr-un pahar punem drojdia peste care punem o lingurita de zahar si o lasam cca 10 min ca sa se lichefieze. Cand s-a lichefiat o dizolvam cu laptele ramas si o adaugam peste componentele din castron.
- Adaugam si vanilia, coaja de lamaie sau portocala si incepem sa omogenizam cu mana toate ingredientele. Cand a devenit o cocca omogena, picuram putin cate putin unt si framanatam cu mana pana cand aluatul se desprinde de pe peretii vasului (cca 10 min). Acoperim castronul cu un prosop curat si punem coca la dospit cca 1 ora sau pana cand se dubleaza in volum.
- In momentul in care a crescut, ungem blatul de lucru cu ulei, intindem coca cu facaletul astfel incat sa aiba grosimea de apro. 1 cm. Decupam gogosile cu un pahar sau forma de biscuiti cu diametrul de 7-8 cm apoi le transferam intr-o tava sau le aliniem pe blatul de lucru si le mai lasam sa creasca vreo 30 min.
- Cand s-au dublat, le prajim in uleiul incins apoi le scoatem pe un prosop de hartie sa absoarba excesul de grasime. le tavalim prin zagar granulat si le servim cu pofta! 🙂
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
I think I will never get enough donuts, they are the most fluffy and delicious, anytime and anywhere! This recipe is very simple, very fast, if you use fresh yeast the dough will raise immediately and they also fry fast. If you want, you can fill them with vanilla cream.
Author: gabriela cuisine
Serves: 30
- 500 gr flour (bread flour)
- 50 g sugar
- 250 ml of milk (1 cup)
- 2 sachets vanilla sugar or 1 tbsp pure vanilla
- 25 gr fresh yeast (8 g dry yeast)
- zest of a lemon / orange
- 1 pinch salt
- 3 eggs
- 50 ml melted butter
- oil for frying
- granulated sugar
- Put sifted flour into a bowl.
- Make a well in the middle and add the eggs mixed with a pinch of salt, sugar mixed with warm milk (only 200 ml warm up a bit on the stove to dissolve sugar, the temperature of the milk should be 37 degrees)
- Put yeast in a glass with a teaspoon of sugar and leave it about 10 min to liquefy. When is liquefied add the remaining milk and homogenize well, then add it over the ingredients in the bowl.
- Add vanilla, lemon or orange peel and start mixing by hand all ingredients. When the dough become homogeneous, drip butter little by little and knead the dough by hand until comes off the sides of the dish (about 10 min). Cover bowl with a clean towel and put the dough to rise in a warm place for about 30 minutes. or until it doubles in volume. (it can take even 1 h 30 min.)
- When the dough has doubled in volume, transfer to a clean, floured work surface.
- Roll the dough out to a thickness of about 1 cm (a little less than ½-inch); using a cookie cutter or glass cut out rounds about 7-cm to 7½-cm (2¾-inch to 3-inch) in diameter (keep the cuts as close together as possible). (Gather up the leftover pieces, give a quick knead to bring the pieces together and roll the dough again)
- Place the rounds on a parchment lined baking sheet lightly sprayed with vegetable spray, cover with a sheet of plastic wrap and leave to rise in a warm place until doubled in volume (they should appear full of air), 1½ to 2 hours. (I find it much easier to remove the rounds from the parchment paper when I lightly coat the parchment with vegetable spray opposed to flouring the parchment sheet. I also used a 3-inch deep baking pan instead of a baking sheet to place my rounds in to rise, this ensures the tops of my bomboloni will not stick to the plastic wrap.)
- When they doubled in volume, fry them in hot oil then remove them from the pan to a plate with paper towel to absorb excess fat. and immediately roll in caster sugar until evenly coated.

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