Prajitura Trufa/ Truffle cake

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IMG_0007Am numit prajiturica asta delicioasa “Trufa” pentru ca are consistenta unei trufe si chiar si aspectul. Reteta o am de la Miha dar pentru ca eu sunt cam “neatenta” nu am vazut ca trebuie si coapta :-), asa ca am facut-o la rece, avand in vedere ca se fierbe crema pe bain marie, si, sincer, a iesit minunat! Va poftesc sa o cititi si poate sa si o savurati daca va place! Eu am facut o portie si jumatate (din cantitatile initiale ale retetei)


Ingrediente: pentru o tava patrata cu latura de 22 cm (sau chiar o forma cu inel detasabil de 24 cm diametru)

150 g biscuiti (simpli)
75 g unt topit
3 linguri zahar (recomand pudra)
3 lingurite cacao
110 g cacao neagra
110 g zahar
25 g amidon
6 galbenusuri
esenta de vanilie
75 ml lapte
150 g unt
3 linguri smantana groasa

Mod de preparare:

Macinam biscuitii in robotul de bucatarie (eu am avut si niste piscoturi si le-am combinat cu biscuitii), apoi adaugam cacaoa si zaharul pudra, omogenizam si apoi adaugam untul topit. Amestecam bine pana cand obtinem o compozitie sfaramicioasa. Rasturnam compozitia in tava cu inel detasabil si o presam bine cu mana.


  • Galbenusurile se freaca cu zaharul pana se albesc si isi dubleaza volumul.
  • Adaugam apoi laptele si dupa ce am omogenizat, adaugam amidonul amestecat cu cacaoa (cernute in prelabil) si mixam bine.
  • Compozitia rezultata o fierbem la bain marie, la inceput este tare, apoi se va inmuia si, spre sfarsit, se va ingrosa din nou.  Dupa aprox 5 -7 minute (atat a durat la mine pana s-a ingrosat), se da deoparte si se lasa putin sa se raceasca, apoi se adauga untul moale si se amesteca bine, apoi smantana si esenta de vanilie.
  • Se gusta crema, si daca vi se pare ca nu e suficient de dulce, mai adaugati zahar (recomand zahar pudra).
  • Crema rezultata se toarna peste blatul de biscuiti si se baga in frigider cel putin 2 ore.
  • Cand s-a racit bine, o pudram cu cacao si o servim.

O patratica de prajitura e arhi suficienta pentru a  va satisface pofta de ciocolata, credeti-ma pe cuvant ;-)!

Sa o savurati cu placere!


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Truffle cake
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
I named this cake " truffle" because it has the consistency of a truffle and even his appearence! I was inspired from Miha ( and, because I am a little careless, I didn't bake it and I did it cold, but, because the cream filling is boiled on bain marie, it came out wonderful! So, this is my recipe and i hope you will enjoy it!
Serves: 10
  • Dough:
  • 150 g biscuits (plain)
  • Chocolate cream:
  • 75 g butter, melted
  • 3 tablespoons sugar (I recommend powder)
  • 3 tablespoons cocoa
  • 110 g dark cocoa
  • 110 g sugar
  • 25 g starch
  • 6 egg yolks
  • vanilla extract
  • 75 ml milk
  • 150 g butter
  • 3 tbsp thick cream
  1. Crush the crackers in the food processor (I had some lady fingers and biscuits so I combined them), then add cocoa and powdered sugar, homogenize and then add melted butter. Mix well until you will obtain a crumbly composition. Put the mixture into the pan with a detachable ring and press well with your hand.
  2. Chocolate cream:
  3. Mix the egg yolks with sugar until they turn white and double in volume.
  4. pour in the milk and stir it well, then add the cornstarch mixed with cocoa (prior sifted ) and mix well.
  5. Boil the composition on bain marie.Crushed crackers in food processor (I had some rusks and biscuits we combined), then add cocoa and powdered sugar, homogenised and then add melted butter. Mix well until crumbly obtain a composition. Invert the mixture into the pan with detachable ring well with hand pressure.
  6. Cream:
  7. The egg yolks with sugar until they turn white and double in volume.
  8. Then add milk and after I mixed, add cornstarch mixed with cocoa (sifted in sheets) and mix well.
  9. Boil the composition on bain marie. At first is hard, then it will soften and, in the end, it will thicken again. After about 5 -7 minutes (that much took from me until thickened), set aside and allow to cool slightly, then add the soft butter and mix well, then sour cream and vanilla.
  10. Taste the cream, and if you find it's not sweet enough, add more sugar (powdered sugar recommended).
  11. The resulting cream is poured over the biscuit dough and put in the refrigerator at least 2 hours.
  12. When cooled well, powder with cocoa and serve.


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7 thoughts on “Prajitura Trufa/ Truffle cake

  1. April 13, 2013 at 6:45 am

    Ispititor de ciocolatoasa! :))

    Ma bucur tare mult ca ai avut curaj sa o incerci :)) iar daca ti-a si placut nu pot decat sa ma bucur de 2 ori mai mult >:D<

    1. Gabriela
      April 13, 2013 at 12:23 pm

      Mi-a placut e putin spus Miha! este divina! >:D<

  2. April 13, 2013 at 9:52 am

    Prajitura arata senzational! Am salvat si eu reteta, trebuie sa o incerc neaparat!

    1. Gabriela
      April 13, 2013 at 12:28 pm

      Multumesc frumos! sa stii ca merita! super rapida, dupa parerea mea si divin de delicioasa!

  3. May 5, 2013 at 3:41 pm

    O nebunie dulce!

  4. July 22, 2013 at 5:51 am

    Foarte faina prajitura, imi place tare mult cum ti-a iesit.

    1. Gabriela
      July 23, 2013 at 11:07 am

      Trebuie sa o incerci neaparat! o sa iti placa la nebunie!

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