Salata de vinete/Eggplant salad

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Scroll down for English versionSalata de vinete este favorita mea pe timp de iarna sau de vara. Este o salata foarte populara in bucataria romaneasca si nu numai!

Eu pun vinete la congelator pentru iarna si fac cand imi este pofta, cu maioneza sau fara, este delicioasa! Sunt cateva variante de salata de vinete, in functie de regiunea tarii, eu le fac simple, vara doar cu ceapa si ulei, iarna cu maioneza si ceapa.

Asadar ingrediente pentru o salata mica

 de doua persoane:

2 vinete mari

1 ceapa mica alba

1 paharel de ulei (150 ml)

sare dupa gust

2 linguri maioneza (optional)

Mod de preparare:

Se coc vinetele pe gratar sau aragaz. Cand s-au inmuiat pe toate partile, le punem intr-un castron ca sa nu se scurga sucul din ele. Asa calde, le tai pe un fund de lemn, intai tai codita apoi le tai in doua si scot miezul cu o lingura. Apoi le pun la scurs intr-o sita si le las la scurs cca 2 ore ca sa isi lase toata zeama. Daca nu le scoatem miezul cat sunt fierbinti si le lasam prea mult in coaja, miezul se innegreste.

Acea “zeama” cum zicem noi romanii, este amaruie si pisca putin la limba daca nu scurgem bine vinetele.

Dupa ce s-au scurs, le punem intr-un bol si le mixam cu mixerul pana devin ca o pasta, adaugam ulei putin cate putin apoi adaugam  sarea si ceapa tocata marunt la final.

Daca le facem cu maioneza, se pun vreo 2 linguri pline de maioneza facuta in casa si nu se mai freca cu ulei. Se sareaza dupa gust si se adauga ceapa tocata marunt.

Le servim ca aperitiv, la mese festive sau oricand avem pofta, pe o felie de paine de casa!

Pofta mare! Sunt delicioase!

Salata de vinete/Eggplant salad
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Eggplant salad is one of my favorite, it is a traditional dish and can be made during the summer but also during the winter. It can be served with mayo or it can be just a simple salad, using oil instead.
Recipe type: Appetiser
Cuisine: Romanian/Mediterranean
Serves: 2
  • 2 eggplants
  • 1 small onion
  • 150 ml oil (1/2 cup)
  • salt to taste
  • 2 tbsp mayonnaise
  1. Roast the eggplants n the barbecue, whole! They should become soft on all the sides. They might even crach, but that is OK! When they are cooked, place them in a bowl so the juice doesn't leek from them. You should peel them as soon as you removed them from the barbecue, this allow the eggplant to remain nice and white, otherwise, the pulp might darken its colour.
  2. I cut them on a wooden board, first the stem then cut it in half, and remove the pulp with a spoon. Put it right into a strainer to allow all the bitter juice to leek out. Leave there for at least 2 hours.
  3. After that, mix the pulp with a mixer and add gradually the oil. Season with salt at the end and mix in the chopped onion (which is finely chopped)
  4. Serve it on a slice of home made bread! It is delicios and healthy!
  5. If you want to serve it with mayo, do not mix it with oil, just add mayo.
  6. Enjoy!

Pofta mare! Sunt delicioase!

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One thought on “Salata de vinete/Eggplant salad

  1. January 14, 2018 at 6:10 am

    That looks like eggplant dip that I love dearly. YUMMY!

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