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IMG_8067Cred ca nu am sa ma satur niciodata de Tiramisu, si de cand am invatat sa-l fac il mananc mereu cu aceeasi placere. Este foarte rapid si cred  ca atunci cand avem musafiri si dam din colt in colt ca nu stim ce sa facem repede si bun, facem un Tiramisu 🙂


  • 6 galbenusuri
  • 6 linguri zahar
  • un baton vanilie (sau 3-4 pliculete vanilie)
  • 500 ml frisca lichida
  • 450 gr mascarpone
  • 12 gr gelatina granulata
  • 3 cani cafea expresso
  • 100 ml lichior Amaretto (sau rom)
  • 45 piscoturi (un pachet mare)
  • cacao pentru ornat
  • Optional pentru decor puteti folosi frisca batuta (500ml)
  • Timp preparare: 30 minIMG_8070Preparare:
  • Se face intai cafeaua, si se lasa la racit. Cand este rece, se pune lichiorul Amaretto sau romul si se amesteca cu cafeaua. In cafea nu se pune zahar!!!!
  • Se bate frisca fara zahar si se baga la frigider pana se bat galbenusurile cu zahar.
  • Hidratam gelatina in apa calduta (o punem intr-o cana cu apa cat sa o acopere). Cand suntem gata sa o adaugam in crema, o incalzim la microunde 25 de secunde (sau pe bain marie)
  • Se freaca galbenusurile cu zaharul pana se albesc apoi se pune bolul cu crema pe baie de aburi si se freca agalbenusurile in continuu pana cad zaharul este complet dizolvat
  • Se adauga apoi semintele de la batonul de vanilie si gelatina dizolvata si se omogenizeaza usor cu un tel in crema.
  • Peste crema de oua se adauga branza mascarpone, omogenizam cu mixerul, apoi incorporam usor frisca batuta.
  • Prajitura o vom aseza intr-o tava cu dimensiunile 26cm/ 40cm
  • Piscoturile  se inmoaie unul cate unul in cafea,cate o secunda pe o parte si pe alta!
  • Primul strat de piscoturi va fi intr-un sens, cel de-al doilea strat de deasupra, va fi in sensul opus.
  • Peste primul strat de piscoturi se pune jumatate din crema, apoi se mai pune un rand de piscoturi (de data aceasta in sens invers), insiropate in prealabil.
  • Deasupra celui de-al doilea strat se pune restul de crema apoi se niveleaza cu o spatula si se pudreaza cu cacao.
  • Puteti orna prajitura cu moate de frisca, sau nivela cu o furculita, creind un model frumos.

Este suuuper delicioasa, cremoasa si racoritoare!

Pofta buna!IMG_8069

Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Tiramisu is my favorite cake of all time, it's easy to make, very refreshing and good when you are in a rush waiting for guests and you don't know what to cook. No baking, just 30 minutes and Tiramisu is ready!
Recipe type: Desert
Cuisine: Italian
Serves: 12
  • 6 egg yolks
  • 6 tbsp sugar
  • 450g mascarpone cheese
  • 500ml heavy whipping cream (35% fat)
  • 1 package ladyfingers, about 40 - 45 in one package (Savoyardi)
  • ⅓ cup (50ml) rum/brandy/coffee flavored liqueur (Amaretto is special for Tiramisu and the original recipe is made with it)
  • 3 cups coffee (strong) - for 1 cup, use 3 tsp of coffee! (no sugar added)
  • 2 - 3 teaspoons unsweetened cocoa powder, for dusting
  • 1 Vanilla bean or vanilla sugar (2-3 envelopes)
  • 12 gr gelatin
  • Optional for decor: 500 ml whipping cream
  1. First thing: make the coffee and let it cool down, then add the Amaretto liquor
  2. Whip the cream, and put it in the fridge (do not add sugar in it, just vanilla sugar, one envelope if you have in the pantry or 1 tsp vanilla essence)
  3. Hydrate gelatin in lukewarm water (put it in a cup then add water just to cover the gelatin and stir well)
  4. Beat the egg yolks with the sugar (6 tbsp sugar) until become thick and creamy (for about 5 min.), then put it over a pot with simmering water and stir constantly until sugar is dissolved (I use a wooden spoon for stirring or a whisk). The bowl with the eggs should not touch the boiling water!
  5. After hydration, I warm up the gelatin for 25 seconds into the microwave
  6. Add dissolved gelatin into the warm cream and the seeds from vanilla bean and homogenize with a whisk.
  7. Then add mascarpone cheese and mix until incorporated (DO NOT OVERMIX)
  8. At the end add whipping cream and incorporate it gently with a spatula or with a whisk. I turn my stand mixer on low.
  9. In a tray or using a removable ring for cakes (26cm /40cm) line up the lady fingers, after you soaked them one by one into the coffee (just for1 second ). Add half of the cream and level it with a cake spatula then line up the other half of lady fingers (same soaked in coffee) but in the opposite way (as shown in the pictures above)
  10. On top of the second layer put the rest of the cream and garnish with cocoa.
  11. If you want the cake to look more fancy and presentable :-), you can whipp another 500 ml whiping cream and garnish the cake as you like!
  12. Refrigerate for at least 6 hours!!!
  13. Good luck!

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4 thoughts on “Tiramisu

  1. January 27, 2015 at 7:44 am

    Arata de vis!!!!! Si imi e asa o pofta acum.Ma duc sa beau putina apa :))))) Pupici

    1. Gabriela
      January 27, 2015 at 12:21 pm

      Multumesc Claudia! este o prajitura irezistibila, si mie imi cam vine sa beau apa cand ma uit la poze :-)).

  2. March 7, 2015 at 1:24 pm

    Cred ca este cel mai apetisant tiramisu pe care l-am vazut! Crema arata de vis, imi place mult reteta! Big like, Gabitule! De revista! Imi vine sa rontai si boabele de cafea din frumoasa prezentare! Te pup cu drag!

    1. Gabriela
      March 9, 2015 at 12:04 pm

      Multumesc mult scumpa mea, sa stii ca Tiramisu pentru mine este ceva la care nu pot sa renunt, mereu va fi o piesa de rezistenta. Te pupicesc cu drag!

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