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Gulasul este o mancare ungureasca careia ii vine denumirea de la carnea de vaca, gulas insemnand in limba maghiara “vaca”. Se foloseste obligatoriu la aceasta mancare carnea de vaca, boia de ardei, ardei gras si foaie de dafin, dandu-i o savoare specifica. Este un fel de mancare de cartofi sau se poate face si cu galuste, foarte aromata si delicioasa.
- 800 gr carne de vitel sau pulpa de vaca
- 2 cepe mari
- 2 ardei grasi
- 2 foi de dafin
- 1 lingurita boia dulce
- 2 morcovi potriviti
- 100 ml ulei pentru calit
- boabe de piper
- 3 catei de usuroi
- 1 cana suc de rosii sau vreo 3 rosii bine coapte
- 1 kg de cartofi
- patrunjel verde
- sare dupa gust
- fulgi de ardei iute (daca va place picant)
Gulasul se face neaparat intr-un tuci si se fierbe la foc foarte mic.
- Intai oparim carnea de vaca apoi o spalam si o punem inapoi la fiert pana cand se fragezeste.
- Separat vom inabusi cele doua cepe taiate fideluta cu ardeiul gras si cu morcovul feliat peste care vom pune un praf de sare.
- Le lasam sa se inmoaie bine si vom adauga apoi supa de carne, boiaua de ardei si carnea.
- Punem cateva bobite de piper, usturoiul si foaia de dafin. Fierbem totul la foc mic, acoperind cratita cu un capac.
- Putem adauga si fulgi de ardei iute sau chiar ardei iute proaspat (caruia i-am inlaturat semintele), daca va place mancarea mai picanta.
- Cartofii se taie cuburi mai mari si se adauga in mancare spre final, cand carnea s-a mai fragezit.
- Dupa aproximativ o ora, cand carnea s-a fragezit, bagam mancarica la cuptor, acoperita cu capac, pentru inca 40-50-minute, chiar si o ora.
- Spre final, tocam rosiile cubulete si le punem si pe acestea in mancare, amestecand usor cu o lingura sa nu se sfarame cartofii.
- Mai lasam 20 minute sa se coaca si rosiile, apoi vom asezona cu patrunjel verde tocat si servim alaturi de un pahar de vin alb.
Pofta buna! Este o nebunie!
Gulas /Goulash
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Goulash is a Hungarian dish and its name means in Hungarian: beef or cow. This food is typically cooked with beef, paprika, bell pepper and bay leaf, giving it a specific flavor. It is a dish cooked with potatoes or dumplings and it's very fragrant and delicious.
Author: gabriela cuisine
Recipe type: meal
Cuisine: Hungarian
Serves: 8
- 800 gr veal or beef
- 2 large onions
- 2 bell peppers
- 2 bay leaves
- 1 teaspoon sweet paprika
- 2 carrots
- 100 ml oil
- pepper corns
- 3 cloves garlic
- 1 cup tomato juice or about 3 ripe tomatoes
- 1 kg potatoes
- fresh parsley
- salt to taste
- chilli flakes (if you like)
- It is very important to cook it in a pan with double bottom or a ceramic pan with be the best, and let it simmer over very low heat.
- First, put the chopped beef in hot water and let it boil until all the blood is removed. Take it out and put it again to boil in clean water (this time in cold water) after you washed all the boiled blood.
- Separately braise the onions, green pepper and sliced carrots in hot oil.
- Let them tenderize well and then add the beef broth, paprika and meat. (partially cooked)
- Add the garlic, pepper, pepper corns and bay leaf. Let it simmer on low heat, covering the pan with a lid.
- Cut potatoes in larger pieces and add them in the stew at the end, when meat become tender.
- For persons who likes spicy meals, you can add chilly flakes, for your taste.
- After about an hour, the meat become tender, and now you will put the meal in the oven, covered with a lid, for another 40 to 50-minutes, up to an hour.
- Towards the end, add diced tomatoes and put them in the meal, mixing gently with a spoon not smashing potatoes.
- You may leave the meal to cook 20 minutes more to let the tomatoes cook as well., then season with chopped parsley and serve with a glass of white wine.
- Bon appetit! This is crazy delicious!