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Am facut de atatea ori sarmalutele astea delicioase si au fost atat de bune incat nu am reusit niciodata sa postez reteta, atat de repede s-au mancat! De data asta, am oprit cateva sa le fac si poza si sa va prezint si versiunea mea.
- 1 kg carne porc (sau mix de vita cu porc)
- 1 morcov
- o ceapa
- 2 linguri orez
- sare dupa gust
- piper
- un praf de cimbru uscat
- o ceasca suc de rosii
- 1 ceasca de vin (optional) pentru carne
- marar verde pentru asezonat
- ulei pentru inabusit ceapa
- frunze de vita proaspete si oparite
Mod de preparare:
- Se oparesc frunzele de vita (sa fie mari si frumoase, nu prea batrane).
- Se scot din apa si se scurg apoi se taie coditele.
- Carnea tocata o amestecam cu mirodeniile si o framantam apoi cu mana, turnand putin cate putin vin. Adaugam si orezul si ceapa inabusita in ulei. Ceapa nu trebuie sa fie prajita, doar inabusita putin in 2-3 linguri de ulei si peste care vom picura putina apa pana cand se inmoaie si devine sticloasa..Se da si morcovul pe razatoarea mica si se adauga in mixul de carne.
- Vom impaturi sarmalele si le vom aseza frumos in cratita. In poza se vede foarte bine tehnica de infasurare. Fiecare gospodina are tehnica ei, eu de obicei bag frunza cu degetul in interior sau o impaturesc la capete in functie de cat de crestatata este frunza.
- Daca frunzele sunt mai batrane, se lucreaza mai greu cu ele, cand sunt tinere, sunt fragede si se inmoaie imediat dupa oparaire.
- Dupa ce le-am asezat in cratita, turnam apa peste ele cat sa le acopere, apoi le fierbem pe aragaz pana dau un clocot.
- Le bagam apoi in cuptor si le coacem pana cand frunzele s-au fragezit (cca 45 de min), adaugam apoi sucul de rosii si putina sare. Le lasam sa se rumeneasca apoi asezonam cu marar verde.
Se servesc calde cu smantana sau iaurt!
Pofta buna! Sunt de-li-cioa-se!
Sarmale in foi de vita/Grape leaf rolls
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
I cooked these grape leaves rolls so many times but I never had time to make a picture. They were so good and never had some left to be able to post the recipe. Now I will present you my version, they are delicious, traditional Romanian, I know Turkish and Greeks are making these, ours are great too.
Author: gabriela cuisine
Recipe type: Meal
Cuisine: Romanian
- grape leaves (young leaves)
- 1 kg ground pork (or beef and pork mix)
- 1 carrot
- salt and pepper to taste
- a pinch of dry thyme
- ⅓ cup white wine
- 1 onion
- ⅓ cup tomato sauce
- 2 tbsp rice
- oil to saute the onions
- a bunch of fresh dill
- Steam the grape leaves then strain them and remove the little stem.
- Braise the onion in 2-3 tbsp oil.
- Shred the carrot very thin.
- Mix the meat with all the spices, add carrot ad braised onion and then knead the meat by hand, pouring the wine little by little. The wine makes the meat softer and more tender.
- Add the rice too and then make the rolls inspiring you from the pictures above.
- Arrange the rolls in a pot and pour water over them just to be covered.
- Let them boil for few minutes on the stove then bake them in the oven until leafs are tender and meat is done. Pour the tomato sauce and season with salt the sauce and then bake them for another 15 minutes or so. When they are done, season with fresh dill.
- Serve them warm with sour cream or Greek yogurt.