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Acest tort se face destul de usor, este racoritor si nu foarte dulce. Zaharul se ajusteaza dupa placul fiecaruia iar ca fructe puteti folosi zmeura, mix de fructe de padure, capsuni, fructe mai aromate de obicei. Eu l-am facut cu afine pentru ca imi place foarte mult culoarea lor!
Si cu acest tort l-am sarbatorit pe micutul nostru ingeras caruia ii uram tot binele din lume, sanatate si mult noroc. Te iubim mult scumpule!
Ingrediente forma 26 cm diametru:
- Blat de pandispan din 4 oua (reteta aici)
Crema de afine:
- 600gr afine proaspete sau congelate (sau alte fructe de padure)
- 300 ml frisca
- 4 linguri zahar tos (pentru piureul de afine)
- 2 linguri zahar pudra (pentru frisca)
- 2 linguri ricotta (optional)
- 10 gr gelatina
Crema de vanilie (tip cremsnit):
- 500 ml lapte
- 200 gr zahar
- 1 baton vanilie
- 3 linguri cu varf amidon (60 gr)
- 50 gr unt
- 400 ml frisca
- 10 gr gelatina
Jeleu de afine (optional) pentru decor:
- 300 gr afine
- 2 linguri zahar
- 5 gr gelatina
Crema de afine:
- Se pun afinele intr-o craticioara impreuna cu 4 linguri zahar si se lasa sa fiarba pana cand se dizolva zaharul, nu mai mult. Se paseaza apoi in blender si se strecoara apoi piureul format prin sita fina sa se separe resturile de samburi si pielite.
- Gelatina se hidrateaza in apa rece cca 5 minute (cat sa o acopere cu 2 degete). Ca sa se dizolve complet, gelatina se incalzeste pe baie de abur sau la microunde cca 30 secunde.
- Adaugam gelatina dizolvata in piureul de afine si omogenizam, apoi il punem in frigider sa se raceasca. Atentie sa nu il lasati mai mult de 30 de minute, ca altfel se intareste.
- Mixam frisca 1 minut la viteza mica apoi adaugam zaharul pudra si mixam apoi la viteza mai mare pana cand se intareste.
- Peste frisca punem cele 2 linguri de ricotta si omogenizam cu mixerul cateva secunde.
- Adaugam si piureul de afine si mixam pana la incorporare.
- Punem blatul pandispan pe un platou iar deasupra asezam un cerc detasabil in care vom aseza crema de afine. Cercul trebuie sa acopere cca 3 sferturi din diametrul tortului.
- Bagam tortul la frigider pana cand se intareste bine crema. Ca sa grabiti timpul de racire, se poate baga tortul si in congelator cca 1 ora.
In timp ce crema de afine este la racit preparam crema de vanilie.
Retata cremei de vanilie o gasiti aici.
Voi specifica faptul ca am folosit mai multa frisca decat la reteta initiala pentru ca am vrut sa iasa ca un mousse, mai pufoasa. Si la aceasta crema, nu adaugam decat vanilie, fara esenta de migdale.
- Cand crema de afine s-a intarit complet, scoatem inelul detasabil cu grija, il spalam ca sa nu aiba urme apoi il punem din nou in jurul tortului de data aceasta. Turnam crema de vanilie peste crema de afine deja intarita si nivelam bine ca sa nu aiba goluri.
- Bagam iar tortul la rece, de data aceasta numai la frigider, si il lasam sa se intareasca cel putin 5 ore, eventual peste noapte. Scoatem inelul detasabil cu grija si ornam cu afine proaspete sau cu jeleu de afine si fructe proaspete.
Jeleul de afine l-am facut din 300 gr afine pe care le-am fiert cu 2 linguri de zahar, apoi am adaugat 5 grame gelatina dizolvata. L-am turnat peste tort cand suprafata cremei de vanilie se intarise la frigider (tortul fiind inca la rece in inelul detasabil).
Este deosebit de racoritor, perfect pentru zilele de vara!
- Ingredients for a 12 inch pan:
- 1 sponge cake (Betty Croker mix)
- Blueberry Cream:
- 600gr fresh or frozen blueberries (or other berries)
- 300 ml whipping cream
- 4 tablespoons granulated sugar (for blueberry purée)
- 2 tablespoons powdered sugar (for whipping cream)
- 2 tablespoons ricotta (optional)
- 10 grams gelatin
- Vanilla Cream (type Cremsnit)
- 500 ml of milk
- 200 grams sugar
- 3 egg yolks
- 1 vanilla bean
- 3 tbsp corn starch (60 g)
- 50 g butter
- 400 ml whipping cream
- 10 grams gelatin
- Blueberry Jelly (optional) for decoration:
- 300 gr blueberries
- 2 tablespoons sugar
- 5 g gelatin
- Method:
- Blueberry Cream:
- Place blueberries in a saucepan with 4 tablespoons sugar and boil until sugar dissolves, no more than that. Then crush them in the blender and then strain the puree through fine sieve to separate the seeds and the remaining skin.
- Hydrate gelatin in cold water about 5 minutes (enough to cover it with two fingers). To completely dissolve gelatin, warm it up in microwave for about 30 seconds.
- Add dissolved gelatin into the blueberry puree and blend, then refrigerate it to cool down. Be careful do not leave it more than 30 minutes, otherwise it hardens.
- Mix the whipping cream on low speed for 1 minute then add the sugar and then mix again at higher speed until stiff.
- Add in 2 tbsp ricotta and blend easily for few seconds.
- Add the mashed blueberries and stir to incorporate.
- Put the sponge cake on a platter and on top of it set a removable ring. The removable ring should cover the sponge cake about three-quarters of the diameter of the cake.
- Refrigerate the cake until the blueberry mousse hardens. To rush the cooling, you can put the cake in the freezer for about 1 hour.
- While the cream is cooled prepare the vanilla cream .
- In a sauce pan put 300 ml milk and 200gr sugar. In a bowl mix the remaining milk, with 3 tbsp corn starch and 3 egg yolks.
- Put the saucepan on low heat and stir occasionally.Add vanilla seeds. When is well heated, pour the milk and corn starch mix into the heated milk and stir well. Stir all the time now until cream is thicken. When is done, remove the sauce pan from the heat and add the butter.
- Let it cool, but cover the surface with a plastic wrap.
- When is cold, whip 500 ml whipping cream and fold it into the custard.
- When the blueberry mousse has hardened completely, carefully remove the detachable ring, wash it, and then put it back around the cake this time. Pour the vanilla cream over blueberry mousse witch was already hardened and level very well.
- Refrigerate the cake for at least 5 hours, possibly overnight. Remove the ring carefully and decorate it with fresh blueberries or blueberry jelly and fresh fruit.
- Blueberry jelly: I made it from 300 gr blueberries witch I cooked them with 2 tablespoons sugar, then I added 5 grams gelatin dissolved. I poured this jelly over the cake when the surface of the vanilla cream was already harden in the fridge (the cake was still in the removable ring).
- It is particularly refreshing, perfect for summer days!
- Enjoy!

sunt blonda, nu am inteles unde se pune gelatina la crema de vanilie, cumva in momentul in care se amesteca cu frisca batuta?
ce fel de frisca folosesti de obicei, smantana dulce sau din aceea vegetala gen hulala?