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Sotul meu a mancat o data o pizza cu cartofi si de atunci ma tot bate la cap sa facem si noi acasa. Am avut vreo 2 incercari pana acum iar aceasta a reusit pe deplin. Secretul este sa fie cartofii feliati foarte subtire si sa folositi bacon de buna calitate! Sa vedem de ce avem nevoie:
Dau retea pentru 3 pizza mari (de aluat) ca sa stiti o treaba 😉
- 600 ml apa
- 750 gr faina (aproximativ)
- 1 lingurita drojdie uscata (25 gr drojdie proaspata)
- 2 lingurite rase de sare
- 1 lingurita zahar
- 3 linguri ulei maslineTopping: pentru o singura pizza
- 2 cartofi medii feliati subtire (o felie – 2mm), eu a folosit mandolina pentru feliat
- 4-5 felii de bacon (sau kaizer, 150 gr), cat vreti voi de fapt
- piper
- oregano
- 1 ceapa medie feliata
- Â mozzarela (cam 250 gr)
Topping 2: Daca vreti sa incercati ceva nou si foarte savuros!!! cu incredere folositi aceste ingrediente:
- branza de capra (cca 300 gr)
- felii de sunca taiate subtire
- sos de rosii marinara dua reteta de aici
- spanac proaspat (care se pune la final, in ultimul minut de coacere)
- Aceasta pizza este de vis! Sincer, cui ii place branza de capra…care este senzationala 😉
Topping 3: Foarte reusit si acesta si cu tenta canadiana/americana:
- sos marinara
- 1 ardei gras rosu
- 200 gr ciuperci proaspete si feliate mai gros (se deshidrateaza foarte repede)
- rosii coapte la soare taiate bucatele
- pepperroni
- masline verzi (optional) – si rosiile uscate la soare sunt sarate
- oregano dupa gust
- mozzarella (300 gr)
Mod de preparare:
- Pentru aluat am pus apa intr-un castron incapator si am dizolvat drojdia lichida in ea. De asemenea se procedeaza si daca folosim drojdie proaspata. Dizolbvam si zaharul in apa.
- Incepem sa adaugam faina treptat, apoi adaugam sarea si uleiul si incepem sa amestecam cu mana pana cand obtinem o coca omogena, mai moale, si totusi usor lipicioasa (aluatul este mai moale decat cel de paine!!!!!)
- Important: nu dizolvam sarea in apa, va distruge drojdia, de aceea se adauga in faina, cand amestecam!
- O acoperim cu un prosop si o lasam sa creasca cam 45 minute apoi o bagam lafrigider cel putin 30 de minute.
Incingem cuptorul la 430°F sau la 250 C (la maxim adica), si incepem sa modelam pizza.
Eu folosesc tavi rotunde de pizza cu diametrul de cca 40 cm, puteti folosi si tavi patrate sau dreptunghiulare. Ungem tava cu putin ulei apoi presaram malai pe fundul tavii ca sa nu se lipeasca aluatul.
Impartim coca in 3 parti egale.
Punem faina din abundenta pe blat si dam coca (pt. o pizza) prin faina ca sa o putem modela. Cu mainile intindem aluatul cat putem de mult, bagand pumnii prin el, tinand coca in aer (cum ati vazut pe la televizor 😉 ) apoi incercam sa o intindem cat putem de bine in tava, pana la margini. Aluatul este foarte elastic!
Dupa ce am intins bine aluatul in tava, feliem cartofii foarte subtire si taiem feliutele de bacon sau kaizer.
Punem un strat generos de mozzarella, apoi asezam cartofii pe toata suprafata pizzei apoi punem ceapa feliata si ea subtire, feliutele de bacon (eu am folosit si proaspat si uscat) apoi presaram un pic de piper deasupra, oregano si putina sare (peste cartofi, cu toate ca baconul este sarat…). Eu am mai picurat si foarte putin ulei de masline peste cartofi pentru ca mi-a fost frica sa nu se usuce cartofii prea tare, dar cred ca mere si fara, baconul isi lasa destula grasime!
Bagam pizza in cuptorul incins si o scoatem dupa 20-25 de minute!
Este super delicioasa, cartofii se fac foarte bine, iar combinatia cu bacon si ceapa este senzationala!
- Dough: for 3 large pizzas (tray diameter 40 cm)
- 600 ml water
- 750 g flour
- 1 teaspoon dry yeast (25 g fresh yeast)
- 2 tsp salt
- 1 teaspoon sugar
- 3 tbsp olive oil
- Topping for 1 pizza:
- 2 medium potatoes sliced ​​thin (a slice - 2mm), I used the mandolin slicer
- 4-5 slices of bacon (or bacon, 150 gr) or as much as you want
- pepper
- oregano
- 1 medium onion, sliced
- mozzarella (about 250g)
- Topping 2: If you want to try something new and very tasty !!! confidently use these ingredients:
- goat cheese (about 300 gr)
- black forest ham thinly sliced
- marinara sauce (home made or in a jar)
- fresh spinach (which is placed at the end, in the last minute of cooking)
- This pizza is the dream! Honestly, who likes goat cheese ... that is sensational;-)
- Topping 3: Very successful and real Canadian 😉
- marinara sauce
- 1 red bell pepper
- 200 gr fresh mushrooms and sliced ​​thicker (dehydrate very quickly in the owen)
- Sun dried ripe tomatoes
- pepperoni
- green olives (optional) - sun-dried tomatoes are salted too
- oregano to taste
- mozzarella (300 gr)
- Method:
- For the dough I put water in a bowl (lukewarm) and I dissolved the yeast in it. Also it works and if you use fresh yeast. Dissolve also the sugar in water.
- We begin to gradually add flour, then add salt and oil and begin to mix by hand until you obtain a homogeneous dough, soft,slightly sticky (the dough is softer than bread dough !!!!!)
- Important: do not dissolve salt in water, that will kill the yeast, so add it in flour, after you started to mix it!
- Cover the dough with a towel and let it rise about 45 minutes then refrigerate it at least 30 minutes.
- Preheat oven to 430 ° F or 250 C, and begin to shape the pizza.
- I use round trays of pizza with a diameter of about 40 cm, you can use the square or rectangular trays. Brush the pan with a little oil then sprinkle cornmeal on the bottom tray as the dough does not stick.
- Divide dough into 3 equal parts.
- Put flour on the working surface and place 1 piece of dough into it, to dust it well. With your hands, roll the dough as much as you can, reaching punched through it, taking the dough in the air (as you saw on TV ;-)) then you can try to stretch as well in the pan until reach the edges of the tray. The dough is very elastic!
- After you stretched the dough well into pan, slice the potatoes and cut them in very thin slices. procede the same with bacon!
- Add a generous layer of mozzarella, then place the potatoes all over the pizza then sliced ​​onion and then the slices of bacon (I used fresh and dried) and then sprinkle a little pepper on top, oregano and salt (over potatoes, although the bacon is salty ...). I've sprinkled very little olive oil over the potatoes because I was afraid that the potatoes will dry out, but they will be fine without oil too, the bacon will release enough fat.
- Bake pizza in the preheated oven and remove it after 20-25 minutes!
- It is super delicious, potatoes are very good, and the combination with bacon and onion is sensational!
- Bone appetite!