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Ingrediente: pentru o tava de 40 cm/ 25 cm
Pentru aluat:
250 gr margarina
200 gr iaurt gras (3% sau 6%)
un praf de sare
faina cat cuprinde (cca 400 gr, mai mult sau mai putin in functie de cat de uscata este faina)
un praf de copt
1 plic zahar vanilat
2 kg de mere acrisoare (Granny Smith/Jonagold/Idared)
zahar dupa gust
2 lingurite scortisoara
1 plic zahar vanilat
Mod de preparare:
- Intai pregatim merele, care se spala, se curata de coaja si se dau pe razatoare. Se pun intr-o craticioara de inox impreuna cu zaharul (eu pun cam 6-8 linguri de zahar) si se calesc pe foc pana se inmoaie. La final dam cratita deoparte si punem scortisoara si zaharul vanilat.
- Scoatem margarina din frigider la temperatura camerei. O punem intr-un bol si amestecam cu iaurtul.
- Faina se amesteca cu praful de copt si se adauga treptat peste margarina si iaurt, si se mesteca bine cu mana pana cand devine o coca nici prea moale nici prea tare, nelipicioasa.
- O bagam la frigider minim 30 minute, apoi o impartim in doua parti egale si o intindem cu facaletul cat este tava. Foaia de jos o intindem mai mult pentru a o intinde putin pe peretii tavii.
- Punem foaie de copt intr-o tava potrivita si intindem foaia peste care adaugam merele, iar deasupra punem cea dea 2-a foaie pe care o intepam din loc in loc cu o furculita.
- prima foaie
- umplutura de la mijloc
- foaia de deasupra
- Se coace aproximativ 30 de minute in cuptorul preincalzit la 180ºC dar trebuie verificat cuptorul din cand in cand (fiecare cuptor coace diferit). Ea se va rumeni frumos, dar nu foarte tare.
- Se pudreaza apoi cu zahar pudra, se lasa la racit si se serveste!
Pofta buna!
Apple pie
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Author: gabriela cuisine
Recipe type: Romanian
Serves: 20
- For the dough: we will use a tray (16 inch/ 11inch).
- 250gr margarine (shortening)
- 200 gr yogurt
- a pinch of salt
- 400 gr flour (more or less, depending of the dryness)
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 1 sachet vanilla sugar
- Filling: 4 pounds sour apples (Idared/ Granny Smith/Jonagold)
- sugar to taste (6-8 tbsp)
- 2 tsp cinnamon
- 2 sachets vanilla sugar
- First prepare the apples, wash them, peel and grate them. Place them in a stainless steel saucepan with sugar (I put about 6-8 tablespoons of sugar) and cook them until soft. when they are ready (when there is no more juice in it), give the pan aside and put cinnamon and vanilla.
- Dough:
- Margarine should be at room temperature. Put it in a bowl and mix it with yogurt.
- Add the flour together with baking powder (gradually) over margarine and yogurt and stir well by hand until the dough is not sticky (should be neither too soft, neither too hard)
- Let it cool at least 30 minutes, then take it out from the fridge and divide it in two equal parts and stretch it with the rolling pin as long as the tray is (it should be a little bit bigger than the pan, because you will stretch it on the sides of the pan)
- Put the parchment paper on the pan, line the dough and then add the apple filling.
- Do the same thing with the second dough and sting the surface with a fork.
- Preheat oven at 375 F and bake it about 30 minutes, but the oven should be checked from time to time (every oven bakes differently). It will brown nicely, but not too much.
- When is ready, powder some confectioners sugar on the top, let it cool (if you resist :-), and serve!
- Enjoy!
- Cut large pieces and serve with lust!

Thank you so much for having this recipe in English. Do you have any tips for me if I choose to roll up the pie instead of layer in the pan?
Hi, you can divide the dough in how many rolls you would fit in the pan. I would say a roll should have like 3 inch thickness, so the dough sheet should have like 6 inches width. That is my thought 🙂