Cheesecake cu mandarine si ciocolata/ Mandarins chocolate cheesecake

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IMG_5302Ce sa va spun despre aceasta minunatie?! Cum nu am stare de obicei si aveam si pofta de ceva dulce, m-am apucat sa fac acest cheesecake, pentru ca nu mi-a ajuns cozonacul de Craciun si pentru ca, tot uitandu-ma pe site-uri cu mancare si tot felul de dulciuri, m-a apucat o mare pofta. Si a trebuit sa fie musai cu portocale si ciocolata, o combinatie de vis as putea spune, racoritor, cremos, dar destul de consistent, un desert excelent pentru sarbatoare si care nu necesita prea mare efort! Il puteti prepara fara nici o grija de Anul Nou, cu o zi inainte, de preferabil, ca sa aiba timp sa se inchege perfect!

Ingrediente: diametrul formei 22 cm


200 gr biscuiti simpli (sau digestivi)

1 lingura zahar pudra

100 gr unt topit


450 gr branza mascarpone

250 gr crema de branza Philadelphia (speciala pentru cheesecake)

500 ml frisca lichida (min. 30% grasime)

15 gr gelatina granule (hidratata si dizolvata)

3 linguri zahar pudra

1 lingurita esenta de vanilie

1 conserva mandarine (mica de 200 gr)

1 lingurita esenta de portocale (optional)


1 conserva mandarine (200 gr)

100 gr ciocolata amaruie (55% continut in cacao)


  • Daca vreti ca cheesecakul sa aiba o consistenta mai pufoasa, mai cremoasa , folositi doar 10 gr gelatina.
  • Nu puneti prea multe fructe in interiorul cremei, fructele din compot isi lasa zeama si se poate inmuia crema !
  • In loc de mascarpone putem sa folosim o branza mai slaba, de exemplu ricotta sau putem folosi numai branza Philadelphia (in cazul acesta 3 pachete a cate 250 gr)
  • Zaharul se ajusteaza dupa preferinta, gustati crema, iar daca va place mai dulce, mai adaugati zahar.
  • Succes!

IMG_5334Mod de preparare:


  • Macinam biscuitii in robotul de bucatarie pana se fac ca o pulbere fina apoi ii amestecam cu o lingura de zahar pudra.
  • Topim untul la microunde (sau pe foc) apoi il adaugam in compozitia de biscuiti si amestecam cu mana pana obtinem un aluat sfaramicios.
  • Pe un platou punem un inel detasabil pentru torturi si in interiorul acestuia vom pune aluatul sfaramicios de biscuiti pe care il vom nivela si presa usor cu mana ca sa fie uniform. Introducem platoul cu blatul in frigider cca 10- 15 minute ca sa se inchege si intre timp facem crema.

Nota: Eu am folosit un inel special pentru torturi care nu are fund detasabil, daca nu aveti asa ceva recomand sa puneti blatul de biscuiti intr-o forma de tort cu inel detasabil (din aceea de teflon) si coaceti blatul 10 minute in cuptorul preincalzit la 170ºC.


  • Punem gelatina la hidratat in sucul mandarinelor din conserva. Sucul trebuie sa acopere gelatina cu un deget macar. In momentul in care o vom adauga in crema, o incalzim la microunde 30 de sec. sau o dizolvam pe baie de abur. Cand se adauga in crema , nu trebuie sa fie in nici un caz fierbinte, trebuie sa aiba o temperatura suportabila la deget.
  • Batem frisca tare si o punem la rece  pana mixam branza.
  • Branza Philadelpfia se mixeaza cateva secunde ca sa devina cremoasa (ideal ar fi sa fie la temperatura camerei, dar mie mi s-a mixat si asa).
  • Adaugam si branza mascarpone si mixam bine pana se omogenizeaza.
  • Adaugam zaharul lingura cu lingura si mixam dupa fiecare aditie. Daca credeti ca nu este suficient de dulce, mai puteti adauga zahar, mie nu imi place sa fie lesinator, oricum este destul de consistent ca desert!
  • Scoatem frisca din frigider si o incorporam treptat in crema de branza. Nu mixati prea mult pentru ca se poate branzi! (adica se intareste prea tare crema iar apoi se poate branzi, mixati doar cat sa se incorporeze, cateva secunde).
  • Daca vreti ca cheesecakul sa fie mai aromat, ii puteti adauga o lingurita esenta de portocale (pe care eu nu am avut-o la dispozitie), daca nu aveti, adaugati doar esenta de vanilie si restul de suc de la conserva de mandarine si omogenizati. Esenta de vanilie poate fi pusa si mai devreme in crema.
  • La final adaugam gelatina care trebuie sa fie la temperatura camerei.
  • Scoatem platoul cu blatul din frigider si punem o jumatate din crema in interiorul inelului detasabil pe care o nivelam cu o lingura. Asezam pe toata suprafata cremei mandarinele din compot bine scurse. Le putem apasa usor cu degetul in crema ca sa nu faca bule de aer cand asezam crema de deasupra.
  • Punem si cealalta jumatate de crema deasupra si o nivelam usor si uniform.
  • Bagam cheesecakul la frigider peste noapte (sau cel putin 5 ore) ca sa se inchege perfect.

Cum decoram:

In primul rand avem mare grija cand scoatem inelul detasabil. Crema de branza s-ar putea sa se lipeasca de peretii inelului, dar putem trage usor cu lama unui cutit pe marginea cheesecakului  inainte de a desprinde inelul. Daca va iese neregulat, nu-i nici o problema, nivelam cu cutitul usor pe margini iar apoi decoram cu ciocolata neagra pe care o taiem cu cutitul felii subtiri.

Bucatile de ciocolata le lipim pe margini intai cu mana, apoi stergem excesul de ciocolata cu o pensula de uns prajiturile.

Deasupra am pus un cerc de la o forma de tort mai mic (daca nu aveti forma asa mica, faceti un cerc dintr-o hartie) apoi am presarat ciocolata si pe marginile de deasupra cheesecakului. Am scos cercul, iar in locul ramas, am asezat concentric felii de mandarine scoase din compot si scurse de suc pe o hartie prosop ca sa nu faca “balta” 🙂 pe tort.

Aceasta a fost tot, este deosebit de fin, cremos, parfumat si racoritor, perfect pentru o zi speciala! Orice zi din viata noastra poate fi speciala nu?

Sarbatori fericite si multe succese in Anul care vine!

Pofta buna!IMG_5349

5.0 from 1 reviews
Mandarins chocolate cheesecake
Prep time
Total time
What to say about this marvel! As I usually can not stay,and because I was craving for for something sweet, I started making this cheesecake.The orange and chocolate, a combination of dream I would say, refreshing, creamy, but quite consistent, an excellent dessert for the holiday and does not require too much effort! You can prepare it for New Year, the day before, preferably, to have time to thicken perfect!
Recipe type: desert
Cuisine: Romanian
Serves: 10
  • 22 cm diameter form
  • Base:
  • 200 g plain biscuits (or digestive)
  • 1 tablespoon powdered sugar
  • 100g butter
  • Cream:
  • 450 gr mascarpone cheese
  • Philadelphia cream cheese 250gr (special cheesecake)
  • 500 ml whipped cream (min. 30% fat)
  • 15 gr gelatin granules (hydrated and dissolved)
  • 3 tablespoons powdered sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 canned mandarins (less than 200 gr)
  • 1 teaspoon orange (optional)
  • For decorating:
  • 1 canned mandarins (280 gr)
  • 100g dark chocolate (55% cocoa content )
  1. Notes:
  2. If you want the cheesecake to have a fluffy consistency, creamy, use only 10 grams gelatin.
  3. Do not put too much fruit inside the cream, fruits leaves their juice and this can soften the cream!
  4. Instead of using mascarpone cheese (which is a special cheese for cakes and with a high content in fat), you can use just ricotta cheese or Philadelphia cream cheese (in this case three packages of 250 gr)
  5. Sugar is adjusted according to your taste!
  6. Good luck!
  7. Base:
  8. Crush biscuits in food processor until fine, then mix them with powdered sugar.
  9. Melt butter in the microwave (or over low heat) then add it to the biscuits composition. Mix by hand until the dough is crumbly.
  10. Inside a detachable ring (over a plate) for cakes put the crumbly biscuits and flatten them by pressing gently with your hand. Refrigerate about 10-15 minutes. Meanwhile make the cream.
  11. Note: I used a special ring for cakes that has no removable bottom, so if you want to put biscuit dough into a cake pan with removable ring, you can bake them for 10 minutes in preheated oven at 350F..
  12. Cream:
  13. Hydrate the gelatin in the juice from canned mandarins. The juice should cover gelatin with 1 inch. When you add it to the cream, warm up the hydrated gelatine in the microwave for 30 seconds (the gelatin shouldn't boil and it has to be homogenous). When you add it in the cream mixture, gelatin has to be room temperature, so let it cool.
  14. Beat whipping cream until stiff and refrigerate it until you mix the cream cheese.
  15. Mix cream cheese Philadelphia for few seconds to become creamy (ideally be at room temperature, but I've done it even cold).
  16. Add the mascarpone cheese and mix well until smooth. Don't over mix!
  17. Add sugar, spoon by spoon and mix after each addition. If you think it is not sweet enough you can add more sugar, I do not like the cheesecake to be too sweet, however is quite consistent as a dessert!
  18. Take out the whipping cream from the fridge and gradually incorporate it in the cheese filling. Do not mix too much because it can curdle! Mix just enough to incorporate it, few seconds.
  19. If you want the cheesecake to be more flavorful, you can add a teaspoon of orange essence (which I have not had available), if you do not, just add vanilla and remaining canned mandarin juice and homogenize well . Vanilla can be placed earlier in the cream.
  20. Finally, add the gelatine which should be at room temperature and mix to incorporate.
  21. Remove crust from refrigerator and put half of cream mixture inside removable ring and level with a spoon. Place all over mandarins. You can press them slightly with your finger in the cream.
  22. Put the other half of the cream on top and level it slightly with a spoon or spatula.
  23. Refrigerate cheesecake overnight (or at least 5 hours) to thicken perfect.
  24. Decorating:
  25. First, carefully remove the removable ring. Cream cheese may stick to the walls of the ring, but you can easily pull a knife blade on the cheesecake before the ring is off. If it comes out uneven, there's no problem, easy, level the sides with a knife and then decorate with dark chocolate cut in thin slices.
  26. Stick chocolate pieces by hand on the edges of the cake, then wipe excess the with a brush.
  27. Above, I put a smaller circle on a cake (if you don't have such a little form, make a circle out of a paper) then sprinkle chocolate over the cheesecake edges. Remove the circle, and place mandarins in the middle.
  28. The slices of mandarins must be drained out of juice on a paper towel so you do not "puddle" 🙂 on the cake.
  29. That's all it is particularly fine, creamy, fragrant and refreshing, perfect for a special day! Every day of our lives can be special isn't it?
  30. Happy Holidays and lots of success in the coming year!
  31. Enjoy!



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4 thoughts on “Cheesecake cu mandarine si ciocolata/ Mandarins chocolate cheesecake

  1. elena
    January 17, 2014 at 7:31 am

    salut, foarte bun tortul si usor de facut! multumesc

    1. Gabriela
      January 17, 2014 at 12:24 pm

      Cu placere draga Elena, este foarte delicios si usor de facut, iti recomand sa incerci varianta mai light, cu ricotta sau numai branza Philadelphia! Pupici!

  2. Ioana
    December 24, 2014 at 8:30 pm

    Tortul e divin si foarte apreciat. Intr-adevar, e foarte usor de facut si nu e costisitor. Iti multumesc Gabriela, pentru retete, si iti doresc un Craciun fericit, plin de bucurii si bunatati!

    1. Gabriela
      December 25, 2014 at 5:17 pm

      Ma bucur Ioana ca v-a plăcut! Crăciun fericit cu bucurii și multa sănătate!

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