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Mi-a facut cu ochiul aceasta turta dulce pe blogul Bucatarului maniac, si pana nu am facut-o nu m-am lasat :-), ca prea i-a facut reclama. Zice dansul ca este frageda si se pastreaza foarte bine in pungi de hartie sau in cutii ermetic inchise. Este prima data cand fac turta dulce dar nu si ultima, a iesit o grozavie delicioasa, numai buna de decorat impreuna cu copii nostrii.
Ingrediente: pentru aprox. 40 bucati
3 galbenusuri
200 gr zahar
200 ml lapte
200 gr zahar (care se caramelizeaza si se stinge cu 100 ml apa)
2 lingurite scortisoara
1 lingura rasa bicarbonat de amoniu
50 gr untura/ unt gras
1 kg faina (sau mai putin, in functie de cat de uscata este)
Pentru ornat:
3 albusuri
250 gr zahar pudra
1 plic zahar vanilat
Acum eu o sa contrazic putin ce a spus domnul Bucatar maniac, dar nu este regula. Dansul spune ca aluatul trebuie pregatit cu o seara inainte pentru ca este cam greu de lucrat, fiind un pic lipicios, trebuie bagat la frigider pentru cateva ore bune. Eu am facut exact cum a zis dansul, dar aluatul nu mi s-a parut foarte lipicios ci numai bun de intins in momentul cand l-am terminat de framantat! Aici, zic eu, depinde de faina, de cat de uscata este aceasta. Totusi, cand l-am scos din frigider mi s-a parut foarte tare si foarte greu de lucrat cu el rece si as fi vrut sa fi lucrat cu el cand il terminasem. Dar sa trecem peste asta, daca vi se pare ca este suficient de tare ca sa il puteti intinde si nu se lipeste exagerat de maini, atunci puteti face turtitele in acest moment, daca nu, il refrigerati cateva ore.
Procedam asa:
- Punem 200 gr zahar intr-o craticioara cu fundul gros si il caramelizam pana capata o culoare aurie – ruginie. Atentie sa nu il ardeti prea tare!
- Tragem craticioara de pe foc si turnam apa calduta peste zaharul ars toata o data, ferindu-va fata si stand cat mai departe de cratita, pentru ca vor sari stropi!
- O punem deoparte sa se raceasca.
- Separat mixam cele 3 galbenusuri cu 200 gr de zahar pana devin ca o crema (nu trebuie mixat foarte mult, doar cat sa se incorporeze zaharul).
- Adaugam untura sau untul (la temperatura camerei) apoi, punem laptele intr-o cana si dizolvam amoniacul in lapte.
- Adaugam si laptele, scortisoara si faina treptat, mestecand la inceput cu o lingura de lemn (sau chiar cu mixerul) apoi vom framanta cu mainile pana cand vom obtine un aluat mai tare dar care poate fi usor manevrat. Mie mi-a intrat aprox. 900 gr faina, dar daca vis e pare ca mai trebuie, puneti si restul pana la 1 kg!
- Cum am spus mai sus, daca nu se lipeste groaznic de maini, o putem lucra in acest moment,( daca nu, o bagam la frigider) adica pudram suprafata mesei cu faina (nu foarte multa), taiem bucati din aluat si il intindem cu facaletul astfel incat sa aiba o grosime de aprox. 0,5 mm.
- Decupam cu forme diferite turtite si le coacem la foc potrivit cca. 10 minute sau pana se rumenesc usor. Ele trebuie sa fie moi in mijloc cand sunt gata!
Dupa ce am copt toate turtitele, le putem glazura frumos cu glazura de albusuri care se face astfel:
- Batem albusurile pana se intaresc si se fac ca o spuma. Adaugam zaharul pudra si cel vanilat treptat si mixam pana cand obtinem o crema foarte lucioasa, ca la bezele.
- Punem aceasta glazura intr-o punga de plastic (nu toata) si o taiem la varf (foarte putin, doar cat sa-i luati coltul). Incepem si ornam turtitele dupa plac apoi le presaram cu bobite decorative sau fulgi de cocos. Le asezam intr-o tava ca sa se usuce glazura, apoi le putem baga in pungi de hartie sau cutii ermetic inchise.
Cand v-ati plictisit de ornat, puteti sa puneti restul de turte in bolul cu glazura, le acoperiti cu un capac si le scuturati bine. Ele se vor acoperi bine de glazura apoi le scoateti pe un platou si le lasati asa la temperatura camerei ca sa se usuce bine glazura. Mie aceste turte care au fost acoperite in intregime cu glazura, s-au pastrat nemaipomenit, au ramas moi in interior.
Celelalte s-au intarit pe ici pe colo dar s-au mai fragezit zilele urmatoare, fiind tinute in cutii.
- Amoniacul ca sa fie activ (adica proaspat) si ca turtele sa fie fragede si sa creasca, trebuie sa miroasa foarte intepator!
- In momentul coacerii turtele vor mirosi a amoniac, dar dupa coacere mirosul si gustul vor disparea!
Acestea fiind spuse, sper sa va incumetati sa faceti turta dulce, macar de dragul celor mici, care vor adora sa fie implicati la ornat!
- For approx. 40 pieces:
- Dough:
- 3 egg yolks
- 200 grams sugar
- 200 ml of milk
- 200 grams sugar (caramelized and dissolved with 100 ml water)
- 2 teaspoons cinnamon
- 1tbsp. ammonia
- 50 g lard / butter
- 1 kg flour (or less, depending on how dry it is)
- For the garnish:
- 3 egg whites
- 250 gr dusting sugar
- 1 sachet vanilla sugar
- Now I'll disagree a bit what Mr Maniac chef said, but not with everithing. He says that the dough must be prepared the night before because it's hard to work with, being a little sticky, you must refrigerate for several hours. I did exactly as he said, but I did not find the dough very sticky, it was good enough to roll it out when I finished kneading! I will say that depends on the flour, how dry it is. However, when I put in the refrigerator seemed very hard and very difficult to work with and I would want to be working with it when I finished kneading. But get over it, if you find it hard enough to roll it out and if is not not too sticky,then you can form the gingerbread after kneading, if not, chill it a few hours.
- We proceed like this:
- Put 200 g sugar in a thick-bottomed saucepan and caramelize until it gets a golden color - rust. Be careful not to burn it too hard!
- Take the saucepan from the heat and pour warm water over the caramelized sugar, all at once, protecting your face and stand as far away from the pan,because is gonna splash!
- Set aside to cool.
- In a separate bowl,mix yolks with 200 grams sugar until creamy (do not mix a lot, just enough to incorporate the sugar).
- Add lard or butter (room temperature) and then put the milk in a cup and dissolved ammonia in milk.
- Add the milk, cinnamon and flour gradually mixing at the beginning with a wooden spoon (or mixer) then knead it with your hands until the dough will get harder but it can be easily handled. Well, I used about. 900 gr flour, but if you think it needs a little bit more, you can add the rest of it, up to 1 kg.
- As I said above, if it doesn't sticks from your hands, you can work it out at this point (if not, refrigerate it for few hrs.) Dust the table with flour (not too much), cut pieces of dough and roll it out with with the rolling pin. It has to be 0.5 mm thickness (1/4 inch)
- Cut gingerbread shapes with a cookie cutter and bake them at medium heat approx. 10 minutes or until slightly browned. They should be soft in the middle when ready!
- After baking them all,you can play with the frosting made from egg whites:
- Beat the egg whites until stiff. Add the sugar and vanilla gradually mixing until you get a very glossy cream, like for marshmallows.
- Put the frosting in a plastic bag (not all) and cut the top (very little, just enough to take the corner). Ornate the gingerbread as you like then sprinkle with decorative glitter or coconut flakes. Place them in a tray to dry the frosting, then you can put in paper bags or boxes tightly closed.
- When you get tired of decorating, you can put the rest of the gingerbread in bowl with glaze, cover with a lid and shake them well. They will be coated in glaze all over. Place them on a plate and leave them at room temperature so that the glaze dry thoroughly. Those cakes that were entirely covered with glaze, preserved great, remained soft inside.
- The others were strengthened here and there but they became tender coming days, being kept in boxes.
- That said, I hope you will consider making gingerbread, even for the pleasure of the kids, who will love to be involved in decorating!
- Happy holidays!