Ciuperci umplute/ Stuffed mushrooms

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IMG_4056Ciupercile umplute sunt printre preferatele mele, le fac oricand si oricum, sunt un aperitiv satios, delicios si poate fi mereu la indemana, cu ce aveti prin frigider. Eu le-am facut asa:


5 ciuperci mari (portobello) sau aprox. 500 gr ciuperci champignon

1 rosie mare coapta

150 gr telemea sau mozzarella

2 linguri smantana

oregano dupa gust

marar verde

sare si piper

ceapa (optional)

Mod de preparare:

Spalam ciupercile si le scoatem piciorusele 🙂

Tocam rosia  si piciorusele ciupercilor marunt si le  amestecam cu un praf de sare si cu cele 2 linguri de smantana. Asezonam cu piper dupa gust.

Umplem ciupercile cu acest amestec peste care radem branza sau mozzarella apoi le coacem in cuptorul preincalzit la 180 ºC pana se rumenesc frumos.

Cand sunt gata, presaram deasupra oregano si marar verde! Sunt o nebunie!.

Daca va place cu ceapa, puteti cali o ceapa mica si o amestecati cu rosia si cu smantana!

Se pot folosi o sumedenie de umpluturi, sunca, masline, puteti pune si ou!


Ciuperci umplute
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Stuffed mushrooms are among my favorites anytime and anyway they make are a nourishing appetizer, delicious and can be always at hand with you in the fridge. I've done it like this:
Recipe type: Appetiser
Cuisine: romanian
Serves: 5
  • 5 large mushrooms (portobello) or approx. 500 gr champignon
  • 1 large ripe tomato
  • 150 gr feta cheese or mozzarella
  • 2 tablespoons sour cream
  • oregano to taste
  • fresh dill
  • salt and pepper
  • 1 small onion (optional)
  1. Wash mushrooms and remove their stems.
  2. Chop tomato and the stems and mix them with a pinch of salt and 2 tablespoons of sour cream. Season with pepper to taste.
  3. Fill mushrooms with this mixture and top them with feta cheese or mozzarella Bake in preheated oven at 180 º C (400 F) until nicely roasted.
  4. When they are ready, sprinkle with oregano and fresh dill! They are delicious!.
  5. If you would like, you can saute a small onion and mix it with chopped tomato and sour cream, add salt and pepper to taste and bake it topped with mozzarella!
  6. You can use a lot of fillings: ham, olives, you can use even eggs!



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