Cornulete cu nuca si gem/ Rugelach

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Nu pot sa spun decat ca sunt foarte incantata de aceasta reteta, mi-am luat niste carticele de curand, fiecare cu cate un profil, una cu retete pe baza de merisoare, una cu retete pe baza de nuci si una cu retete de Craciun iar aceasta este o reteta traditionala evreiasca, foarte delicioasa si cu un parfum care va inunda toata casa, nu mai zic cat de repede se vor manca!

Ingrediente pentru aprox.36 cornulete:

230 gr unt (margarina) la temperatura camerei

250 gr Philadelphia crema de branza pentru prajituri

100 gr zahar brun

300 gr faina

un praf de sare


250 gr gem de caise (macese, piersici, portocale, zmeura etc)

150 gr nuci prajite si macinate (nu foarte fin)

 un varf cutit scortisoara

Pentru ornat:

1 albus de ou

50 gr zahar brun

Mod de preparare:

Este cat se poate de simplu.

  • Intr-un bol frecam bine untul moale impreuna cu branza Philadelphia (tot la temperatura camerei) si cu zaharul brun pana devine ca o pasta.
  • Adaugam faina treptat si mixam cu mixerul. Cand coca se intareste framantam cu mana. Trebuie sa avem o coca manevrabila, nu foarte tare. Va fi destul de lipicioasa dar o vom refrigera cel putin o ora ca sa putem lucra cu ea. Eu am facut un sul pe care l-am bagat intr-o folie de plastic iar  dupa racire l-am impartit in 3 parti egale.
  • Dupa ce am scos aluatul din frigider, pudram blatul de lucru cu faina din belsug. Pudram si coca si incepem sa intindem foaia in forma de cerc, pudrand din cand in cand suprafata acesteia cu faina (la temperatura camerei va deveni usor lipicioasa, dar rezulatatul va fi de vis! va promit 😉 )
  • Cercul trebuie sa aiba un diametru de aprox. 30 cm. si il vom taia in 12 raze (intai il taiem in 2, apoi in 4, apoi fiecare sfert in 3).
  • Intr-un bol, putem amesteca gemul , scortisoara si nuca macinata. Eu am intins intai gemul apoi am imprastiat nuca deasupra, dar cred ca este mai usoara prima varianta!
  • Preincalzim cuptorul la 175ºC, tapetam o tava cu hartie de copt si asezam cornuletele la o distanta de 2 cm unul fata de altul.
  • Batem albusul de ou si ungem suprafata cornuletelor apoi presaram zahar brun pe deasupra si le coacem cca. 22 minute.
  • Le lasam sa se raceasca apoi le putem servi alaturi de un ceai sau o cafeluta!

Pofta buna! sunt deosebit de fragede, cu aluatul este mai greu de lucrat dar sunt convinsa ca o sa va placa la nebunie, la fel cum mi-au placut si mie!


Cornulete cu nuca si gem/ Rugelach
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
I can only say that I am very excited about this recipe, I recently bought some books, each with a profile, one with cranberry recipes, one with recipes based on nuts and one with Christmas recipes and this is a traditional Jewish recipe, very delicious and with a fragrance that will fill the house, not to mention how fast it will be eaten!
Recipe type: desert
Cuisine: ebru
Serves: 36
  • Ingredients aprox.36 corn flakes:
  • 1 cup/230 g butter (margarine) at room temperature
  • 8 oz./250 g Philadelphia cream cheese cake
  • ½ cup/100gr brown sugar
  • 2¼ or 300 gr flour
  • Pinch of salt
  • Filling:
  • 1 cup/ 250 ml. apricot jam (rosehip, peach, orange, raspberry, etc.)
  • 1¼ or 150 gr roasted and ground nuts (not too fine)
  • pinch of cinnamon
  • For the garnish:
  • 1 egg white
  • 50 gr brown sugar
  1. It is very simple.
  2. In a bowl beat the butter with Philadelphia cheese (all at room temperature) and brown sugar until fluffy.
  3. Add flour gradually and mix the dough with the mixer.When it becomes too hard, knead it by hand. It will be quite sticky but you have to refrigerate it at least an hour so that you can work with it. I did a roll and I put the dough in a plastic wrap and, after cooling, I divided into three equal parts.
  4. After you remove the dough from the refrigerator, dust the counter top with flour liberally. Dust the dough too and begin to roll out the dough in a circle, occasionally dusting its surface with flour (at room temperature will become slightly sticky, but the result will be a dream promise 😉 )
  5. The circle should have a diameter of approx. 30 cm. (12 inch) and then cut 12 wedges (first cut it in two, then four, then each quarter into 3).
  6. In a bowl, mix jam, cinnamon and ground nuts. I rolled out the dough first and then I spread jam and then nuts on top, but I think the first option is easier!
  7. Preheat oven to 175 º C.
  8. Place the rolls , point side down, about 1 inch apart, on parchment paper - lined cookie sheet.
  9. Brush them with egg white and then sprinkle brown sugar on the top
  10. Bake them about. 22 minutes.
  11. Let them cool then you can serve with a cup of coffee or tea!
  12. Bon appetit!



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3 thoughts on “Cornulete cu nuca si gem/ Rugelach

  1. December 18, 2013 at 7:53 pm

    Ador cornuletele mai ales ca au si nuca!

    1. Gabriela
      December 18, 2013 at 8:47 pm

      Mi-e i imi spui? am crezut ca le voi devora pe toate dintr-un foc, au trebuit chiar sa le ascunda de mine :-))

  2. January 9, 2014 at 6:33 pm

    La multi ani !
    Te astept cu o reteta de muffins sau cupcakes la concursul organizat pe blogul meu !

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