Quinoa salad/Salata de quinoa

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Quinoa este una dintre cele mai nutritive cereale cunoscute la această oră. In Bolivia este numita “mama cerealelor”  deoarece nu contine gluten, este un produs cu continut foarte mare in proteine, un bun susbstitut al pastelor, cus-cus-ului sau orezului. Are un gust subtil si este usor crocanta. Se foloseste chiar si in faina fara gluten si este utilizata in prajituri cat si in panificatie.

Eu folosesc quinoa destul de des, mai ales in salate sau cand fac paine.

Am o reteta foarte simpla de quinoa pe care o sa v-o prezint in cateva cuvinte.

Ingrediente pentru 2 persoane (va iesi un bol plin cu salata)

1 cana quinoa (uscata)

2 cani apa

un praf sare

2-3 rosii (Roma) sau alt soi

o mana de patrunjel verde


2-3 linguri ulei de masline

castravete crud (jumatate dintr-un castravete englezesc, cel lung)

sucul de la o lamaie

ardei gras (optional)

Mod de preparare:

Se fierbe quinoa intr-o cratita cu fundul mai gros. Se pun deodata apa cu sarea si quinoa. Se fierbe cat sa se umfle quinoa putin, apoi se stinge focul si se acopera cu un capac ca sa se umfle complet.

Se lasa la racit si intre timp, stoarcem sucul de la o lamaie, tocam marunt patrunjelul, castarvetele si rosiile cubulete si apoi amestecam usor toate ingredientele cu quinoa. Adaugam sare si piper dupa gust si putin ulei de masline.

Este delicioasa si se poate servi alaturi de o friptura iar pentru vegani este suficienta ea insasi!

Pofta buna!

Quinoa salad
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
With its mild flavor, light crunch and impressive protein content, quinoa is the perfect gluten-free substitute for pasta, rice or couscous. It’s also frequently milled into gluten-free flour that can be used in baking, or as the base for gluten-free pastas, cereals and more. Quinoa is also a complete protein, which means it provides all nine essential amino acids necessary for good health. I will give you here a simple recipe, that you can use as a side dish, served with a good steak or other type of meat.
Recipe type: Entree
Cuisine: romanian, canadian
Serves: 2
  • 1 cup quinoa (uncooked)
  • 2 cups water
  • pinch of salt
  • pepper
  • 2-3 tbsp olive oil
  • 2-3 Roma tomatoes
  • a hand full fresh parsley
  • 1 lemon (the juice)
  • 1'2 english cucumber
  • 1 bell pepper (optional)
  1. Boil quinoa according to the instructions on the package. Usually put quinoa and water together, give it a boil then when is inflated quite a bit, turn off the heat and let it soak all the water, covered with a lid.
  2. Let the cooked quinoa to cool down, chop parsley, cucumber and tomato , squeeze the lemon and use the juice. Mix all the ingredients, add salt and pepper and 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil and serve it as it is or as a side dish!
  3. Is the most healthy salad you can eat!!


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