Salata de icre se face foarte usor cu o conditie: icrele sa fie proaspete, sarate (dar nu foarte tare) iar uleiul cu care faceti salata sa fie un ulei de foarte buna calitate, foarte rafinat! Si secretul ca icrele sa nu iasa gretoase, este, sa folositi gris fiert in compozitie, in felul acesta icrele se vor freca foarte usor si vor fi si foarte gustoase.
100 gr icre de crap sarate (2 linguri pline)
500 ml ulei rafinat de floarea soarelui sau de porumb
sucul de la o lamaie
apa minerala (100-150 ml)
o ceapa mica
Pentru gris: o masura de gris si 3 masuri de apa (daca folosim o ceasca de cafea, gramajul de mai jos)
100 gr gris
450 ml apa
- Daca icrele sunt foarte sarate, le putem pune la desarat intr-un tifon strans bine la gura pe care il punem intr-o cana cu lapte pentru o ora. Dupa o ora, stoarcem foarte bine icrele in tifon apoi le punem in bolul in care le vom prepara.
Punem apa la fiert, cand a dat in clocot, punem grisul in ploaie si amestecam bine cu o furculita ca sa nu faca cocoloase. Il lasam sa fiarba bine pana cand se face ca o mamaliga, apoi il punem la racit. Grisul trebuie sa fie rece in momentul cand il amestecam cu icrele!
- Ne pregatim uleiul si sucul de lamaie pe masa si ne punem la dispozitie un mixer, pentru ca se fac foarte repede (aprox. 10 minute).
- In bolul cu icre punem o lingura plina de gris fiert si mixam bine pana se omogenizeaza.
- Adaugam cate putin ulei treptat si mixam dupa fiecare aditie pana la incorporarea completa a uleiului. Eu pun ulei cam de 5-6 ori apoi incep sa adaug alternativ si suc de lamaie (o lingurita de fiecare data).
- Cand icrele au mai crescut, se mai poate adauga gris, si apa minerala, ca sa fie pufoase. Apa minerala se adauga cu lingura, nu toata o data, ca sa nu se inmoaie prea tare! Garantez ca daca grisul este suficient de tare, iar apa minerala este rece, nu se vor taia icrele, va iesi o salata perfecta! Apa minerala se adauga in functie de cat de tari sau moi le vreti, iar sucul de lamaie se adauga dupa gust. Eu folosesc la aceste cantitati sucul de la o lamaie.
- Cand ati terminat de pus tot grisul si ati terminat si uleiul, tocati o ceapa marunt si amestecati-o in salata!
Punem salata intr-un bol de sticla (nu de metal) si o ornam cu masline. Se fac tartine si se serveste ca aperitiv.
Pofta buna! Sunt delicioase si foarte sanatoase!
- 100g salted carp roe (2 tablespoons)
- 500 ml refined sunflower oil or corn
- juice of one lemon
- mineral water (100-150 ml)
- a small onion
- For the meal: a measure of meal and three measures of water (if you use a cup of coffee, grammage below)
- 100 gr semolina
- 450 ml water
- If eggs are salted, we can desalt it by putting them in a piece of cheesecloth tight up and dip it in a cup of milk for about an hour. After an hour, squeeze it well then put them in a bowl to prepare them.
- Meal:
- Put water to boil, when boiled over, put semolina and mix well with a fork to make no lumps. Let it boil until it makes a polenta, then let it cool. Cooked semolina must be cold when you mix it with eggs!
- Put oil and lemon juice on the table and use a hand mixer to do the salad.This way is very fast (about 10 minutes).
- In the bowl with the fish eggs put a spoonful of cooked semolina and mix well until smooth.
- Add oil little by little (1 tbsp each time) and mix slowly after each addition to completely incorporate the oil. I put oil 5-6 times and then I begun to alternatie with lemon juice (one teaspoon each time).
- When the salad become a little fluffy, you can add more cooked semolina and mineral water to be more fluffy. when you add mineral water, add a spoon at a time, not all at once,to avoid soften too much! I guarantee that if the semolina is sufficiently hard and the water is cold enough , you will get a perfect salad! Mineral water is added depending on how hard or soft you want, and you can add lemon juice to taste. I use juice of one lemon.
- When you finished adding the oil and cooked semolina, add a finely chopped onion and toss the salad!
- Put salad in a glass bowl (not metal) and ornate with olives. Make sandwiches and serve as an appetizer.
- Enjoy! They are delicious and very healthy!
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i love this dip. sometimes it can be a bit salty for me, but if it’s not, i really enjoy it.
Dear Dina, yes it’s true, sometimes the eggs are very salty but you can desalt them in milk for 1-2 hrs ;-), then your salad will be just perfect! Happy Holidays dear!
nu am mai facut icre de 27 de ani a iesit super va multumesc pofta buna!
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