Supa cu taitei de casa/ Soup with homemade noodles

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Ieri am facut o supica buuuuna de tot din rasol de vacuta si cu taitei de casa. Nu am mai facut taitei de multa vreme, cu toate ca se fac foarte usor! Si pentru ca noi nu lasam carnita in supa am scos-o si am facut din ea niste linguinii cu sos, pe care il postez imediat ce termin de scris reteta la supa.


o bucata de rasol vaca (500 gr)

2 morcovi

1 ceapa

1 telina mica

1 ardei

1 pastarnac

cateva linguri ulei

sare dupa gust

patrunjel verde


1 ou intreg

faina cat cuprinde (5 – 6 linguri)


Mod de preparare:

  • Spalam bine carnea in apa rece si o punem la fiert in 3 litri de apa. Cand a dat in fiert, adunam spuma de deasupra (o lasam sa fiarba pana cand iese tot sangele din ea) si apoi adaugam legumele spalate si curatate (intregi).
  • Le fierbem cu un praf de sare si cateva linguri de ulei (in functie de cat de grasa e carnea, adaugam ulei mai mult sau mai putin).


  • Intr-un castron batem oul cu praful de sare apoi adaugam faina treptat. Coca trebuie sa fie maleabila si sa nu se mai lipeasca de mana (in nici un caz nu trebuie sa fie tare!) La un ou intra aprox. 5-6 linguri de faina.
  • Intindem foaia cu un facalet cat de subtire putem, apoi o pudram cu faina. O taiem pe lung in doua (sau patru) si o suprapunem apoi taiem taitei cu un cutit ascutit (cum taiem painea) si ii rasfiram pe blat ca sa se usuce putin.
  • Cand legumele si carnea s-au fiert, le scoatem din supa, supa o strecuram, apoi o punem inapoi in oala si adaugam taiteii. Lasam la fiert pana se fragesesc.
  • La final adaugam patrnjelul verde tocat marunt si servim!

E buna tare!

Sa aveti pofta!


Soup with homemade noodles/ Supa cu taitei de casa
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Yesterday I made a delicious soup from a beef shank and homemade noodles. I didn't make noodles for a long time, although they are very easy! And because we do not leave meat in the soup I took it out and I made some linguini with meat, which I'll post it as soon as I finish writing the soup recipe.
Cuisine: Romanian
Serves: 8
  • a piece of boiled beef (500 gr shank)
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 onion
  • 1 small celery
  • 1 pepper
  • 1 parsnip
  • few tablespoons oil
  • salt to taste
  • parsley
  • Noodles:
  • 1 whole egg
  • flour as comprising (5-6 tablespoons)
  • salt
  1. Wash meat in cold water and put it in 2 liters of water to boil. When it starts to boil, collect the foam from above (let it simmer until all the blood is out of it) and then add the vegetables washed and cleaned (not chopped).
  2. Boil with a pinch of salt and a few tablespoons of oil (depending on how fat is the meat, adding more oil or less).
  3. Noodles:
  4. In a bowl beat egg with a pinch of salt then add flour gradually. Dough should be pliable and no longer sticky to the hand (in any case should not be hard!) At one egg use about. 5-6 tablespoons of flour.
  5. Roll the doughas thin as you can, then dust it with flour. Cut it longwise in two (or four) and then cut the noodles with a sharp knife (like when you cut bread) and scattered them on the counter to dry slightly.
  6. When the vegetables and meat are cooked, remove them from broth,drain well the soup, then put it back in the pot and add the noodles. Let them boil until tender.
  7. Finally add chopped parsley and serve!




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